School life
Social life
Prohibition permission

Ask permission to go to the bathroom during class.

Can/May I go to the bathroom, please?


Ask a friend if they can help you move this weekend.

Can you help me move this weekend?


Ask for permission to adopt a pet.

Can I adopt a cat from the shelter?


Ask for permission to buy a gift for a friend’s birthday.

Can I buy this necklace as a birthday present for her?


Ask if you can help with the household chores.

Can I help with the dishes tonight?


You forgot your homework. Explain what you are required to do now.

I must/have to talk to the teacher and explain why I don’t have it.


You’ve been invited to a party. Ask if you’re allowed to bring a plus one.

Am I allowed to bring a friend to the party?


Explain what someone must do when taking care of a pet

You must feed the pet every day and take it to the vet regularly.


Explain what kind of gift you should give for a graduation.

You should give something meaningful, like a book or a piece of jewelry.


Explain what you are required to do every day in your house.

I have to make my bed and clean my room every day.


Give advice to a friend who is struggling to pass an important exam.

You'd better study harder and ask for extra help from the teacher


Give advice to a friend who isn’t sure if they should confront someone who upset them.

You should talk to them calmly, but only if you feel ready.


Give advice to someone thinking about getting a new pet.

You should make sure you have enough time and money to take care of it.


Suggest what could be a nice gift for someone who likes sports.

You could get them a fitness tracker or new running shoes.


Give advice to a sibling about how they could help around the house more.

You should take out the trash or help clean the living room.


Explain something you are not allowed to do in class.

We aren’t allowed to use our phones during lessons.


Make a suggestion about what you could do with your friends this weekend.

We could go to the beach or see a movie together


Talk about what you are not allowed to do with certain animals at a zoo.

You aren’t allowed to feed the animals at the zoo.


Talk about what you’re not allowed to give someone as a gift in certain cultures.

In some cultures, you mustn’t give sharp objects, like knives, as gifts.


Talk about something you are not allowed to do at home.

We aren’t allowed to leave the house without telling our parents.


Talk about something you managed to achieve despite the difficulty in school.

I managed to pass all my exams even though I had very little time to study.


You’ve planned an event, but a friend didn’t show up. Talk about what they might have been doing instead.

They might have had another important event, or they could have forgotten.


Tell a story about how you were able to train your pet to do a specific trick.

I managed to teach my dog to sit and roll over using treats.


Tell a story about a gift you managed to find after searching for a long time.

I managed to find the perfect vintage record after searching in many stores.


Describe how you managed to complete a difficult household project.

I managed to fix the broken sink after watching some online tutorials.
