You have to write the following numbers correct 88, 127 and 3456
eighty-eight, one hundred twenty-seven, three thousand fifty-six
Which 4 modals do we use to ask for permission?
can, could, may, would you mind if
What kind of verb do we use with "would you mind"?
a gerund
you lose
200 points
Which sentence is asking for permission?
Can I go with you?
Can you take me?
Can I go with you?
What word can we use to make requests more polite?
you win
300 points
Which sentence is asking for permission?
May I see your notes?
Could I use your phone?
Both are correct!
Could you ______ this for me?
a) buy
b) buying
correct pronunciation
Answer the following question:
Can I borrow your pencil?
Of course.
No problem.
Yes, you can.
Make a request to a classmate.
Can / could / will / would you (base verb)...?
Would you mind (gerund)...?
Pedir permiso para ir a la oficina del director?
May I go to the principal's office, please?
Ask for permission to use your phone.
Can / Could / May / Would you mind if I use my phone?
Answer the following request, positively or negatively.
Will you drive me to the doctor?
Sure / Certainly / No problem / Of course / I'd be glad to / Yes, I will
I'm sorry (but) I can't / I'm afraid I can't