Correct the sentence:
The delegate raise a motion
The delegate raises a motion
It is a formal request for action. It can be used to discuss procedural matters or to further the discussion on a committee topic.
What should you do first in a multiple-choice test?
Read the question and posssible answers carefully.
What is MUN?
MUN is an educational simulation that teaches students about diplomacy, international relations, and global issues.
What is the main ingredient in shampoo?
Correct the sentence:
The chairperson approven the resolution
The Chairperson approved the resolution
What does diplomacy mean?
Diplomacy is the art, the science, and the means by which nations, groups, or individuals conduct their affairs, in ways to safeguard their interests and promote their political, economic, cultural or scientific relations, while maintaining peaceful relationships.
How can you eliminate wrong answers?
By analyzing all the possible answers and choosing the one that you are sure is not correct, discarding the less possible.
How many countries are in the UN?
As of March 2025, there are 193 member states in the United Nations (UN). The UN is an intergovernmental organization that's guided by its founding Charter.
What can you never eat for breakfast?
Lunch and dinner
Identify the verb tense:present, past or future.
The committee had already reviewed the agenda before the meeting started.
Past, past perfect.
Which word means "to officially propose a topic for debate"?
Motion to set the agenda, motion to propose a new topic.
What’s a good strategy for reading comprehension?
Locate and understand the main ideas, read the question twice or three times to understand what you are being asked to do.
What city hosts the UN headquarters?
New york city
What had keys but can't open locks?
A piano
Rewrite the question
When the delegates do stances present their?
When do the delegates present their stances?
Which word means "to officially propose a topic for debate"?Explain "prioritize" in your own words.
To prioritize is to choose something that is most important and act consequently.
Why is it important to manage your time when taking an exam?
Because the time to answer is limited.
Which skills does MUN foster?
MUN fosters skills in research, public speaking, debating, writing, critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership
How does the ocean say hello?
Is the question correct?
Which are necessary to write a resolution?
What is necessary to write a resolution?
What does it mean to second a motion?
To agree on it.
What should you do if you don’t know an answer?
Read the question and possible answers several times, you can also try leaving it for the end and procede with the others.
Who invented the MUN?
Founder of Model United Nation (MUN) Zia Mahmood was the son of Mir Mahmood, who was the first president of Oxford International Assembly. Mir Mahmood travelled to Harvard and Dartmouth in 1922 to spread the idea of an International Assembly to other Colleges.
If you are in a race and you pass the person in the second place, what place are you in?
Second place