Critical Zones
Quotes from World Leaders
UN Leaders and Organizations
World Heritage Sites

This nation comprised of some 1,192 small islands off the southwest coast of India averages only 3 feet above see level. 

What are the Maldives? 


"A nuclear war must never be waged — because a nuclear war can never be won", was stated by this leader of the United Nations in response to Russia's intimidation of Ukraine. 

Who is Antonio Gutiérrez


He is the current Secretary General. 

Who is Antonio Guterres?


This is a World Heritage site of remarkable variety and beauty that lies on the north-east coast of Australia. It contains the world’s largest collection of coral reefs, with 400 types of coral, 1,500 species of fish and 4,000 types of mollusc.

What is the Great Barrier Reef? 


This demilitarized zone lies between North and South Korea at this parallel. 

What is the 38th parallel?


This northernmost country of South America had over 70 environmentalist killed last year that were trying to protect this country's biodiversity. 

What is Colombia? 


According to this world leader, "The days are gone forever when our enemies could blackmail us with nuclear bombs". 

Who is Kim Jung Un?


These countries are on the Security Council. 

What are: China, UK, USA, Russia and France?


This reef complex is a world heritage site off the coast of what was once British Honduras. 

What is Belize?


This entire continent is a DMZ. 

What is Antarctica?


The Cerrado Savanna is home to 5% of the world's plants and animals, and is the most biodiverse savanna on the planet. It is located in this large Portuguese speaking country. 

What is Brazil? 


“Haha come fight us now Napoleon” was mouthed by this renowned world leader. 

Who is Vladimir Putin? 


This organization recently had Finland and Sweden join. 

What is NATO? 


Mount Sanqingshan National Park is a World Heritage Site in this country. 

What is China?


The Green Line is a common name for the DMZ in this island country that has Greek and Turkish as official languages? 

What is Cyprus?


Staghorn coral used to be a dominant coral on reefs in this sea and was so abundant that an entire reef zone is named for it.  

What is the Caribbean Sea? 


"To all the countries of the former Soviet Union: look at us, everything is possible", was said by this world leader. 

Who is Zelensky? 


This is the largest assembly of the United Nations.

What is the General Assembly?


Older than the Himalaya mountains, the mountain chain of the Western Ghats is a World Heritage site in this country. 

What is India?


This 2,700-square-mile DMZ is located between Iraq and this neighboring country, where a hajj is taken to Mecca, and is the largest DMZ in the world. 

What is Saudi Arabia? 


For the first time, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in October canceled the 2023-2024 harvest of  snow crab, in this coldwater sea off the Alaskan coast.  

What is the Bering Sea? 


"I believe the land of Palestine will be returned to owners of the land with the help of God" was uttered by this leader of Iran.

Who is Hassan Rouhani? 


This organization oversees the nuclear capabilities of nations. 

What is the IAEA? or International Atomic Energy Agency


This World Heritage site is known as the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve World Heritage property and protects key overwintering sites for the monarch butterfly in this country. 


What is Mexico? 


This 50-mile-long DMZ known as the Golan Border is on the boundaries of Israel and this civil war torn nation led by Bashar al Asaad.

What is Syria?
