Which country was the UN founded in?
California, United Sates
What are the Rules of Procedure?
This document helps guide debates and keeps everything in order during a Model UN session.
When speaking in Model UN, you should always address this person first.
The Chair
Delegates can use this motion to prioritize an urgent topic over the current agenda.
Motion to reorder the agenda
What is the national food of Kazakhstan?
What country was last added to the UN?
South Sudan; 2011
What is the speaker's list?
This is the name of the list that shows which delegate will speak next.
Delegates should always refer to their country using this phrase.
"The Delegate of [country]"?
To end a debate on a topic and move to voting, delegates raise this motion.
Motion to Close Debate
🇨🇦 (51st State)
Sing the Star-Spangled Banner while doing an impression of Snoop Dogg
How many member states are in the UN?
What is a point of personal privilege?
procedural motion used by delegates to address issues that affect their ability to participate in or focus on the proceedings.
This term refers to how delegates should always act respectfully, even during disagreements.
Delegates use this motion to request time for informal discussions.
Motion for an Unmoderated Caucus
Name 3 Formula 1 Teams while the rest of your team pretends to be an F1 car
Which year was the UN founded?
What is voting?
This term describes how a group decides if a motion passes or fails.
If a delegate is unsure of a rule, they can do this to politely ask for help.
Raise a point of parliamentary inquiry
A motion that is out of order or improperly raised can be challenged with this "point."
What is a Point of Order?
Paper Basketball: you have 2 chances to make it in the trash can
What country was expelled from the UN?
Trick question: No country!
What is a Point of Inquiry?
Delegates can ask questions or clarify doubts using this type of "point."
It is considered impolite and distracting to do this during another delegate’s speech.
Talk and/or interrupt
Delegates use this motion to formally open the session and begin debate.
Motion to Open Debate
Freestyle a Model UN rap in the style of Future.