History of the UN
Member States
UN Bodies and Agencies
Procedure and Structure
Canada and the UN
This forerunner of the UN was created in the wake of WWI, and disbanded after failing to prevent WWII.
What is the League of Nations?
The United Nations currently has this many member states.
What is 193?
This main deliberative organ of the UN is composed of representatives from every member state.
What is the General Assembly?
When the General Assembly meets to discuss an issue, they must complete this administrative task before even setting the agenda.
What is Role Call?
Which Prime Minister won the 1957 Nobel Peace Prize for his role in resolving the Suez Crisis, by introducing the concept of a UN Emergency Force.
Who is Lester B. Pearson?
This American First Lady was posthumously awarded the first UN Human Rights Prize for her humanitarian work and involvement in the creation of the UN.
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?
The UN recognizes two non-member observer states: Palestine, and this religious body.
What is the Holy See?
This UN agency, headquartered in Rome, has the motto "fiat panis," which translates roughly to "let there be bread."
What is the Food and Agriculture Organization?
Lack of formal moderation characterizes this type of caucusing.
What is unmoderated caucusing?
New Brunswicker John Peters Humphrey was the principal author of the first draft of this guiding UN document.
What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
The land on which the UN headquarters in New York City was built was donated by this prominent family, for which several New York landmarks are named.
Who are the Rockefellers?
The five permanent members of the Security Council have this, the ability to prevent even majority votes from being passed.
What is veto power?
This UN agency publishes a yearly report on global public health issues and key statistics pertaining to world health.
What is the World Health Organization?
Resolutions passed by the General Assembly must not be respected by UN member nations, and are thus labelled with this legal term.
What is legally non-binding?
This local Ottawa waterway has been a protected UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2007.
What is the Rideau Canal?
The UN Charter was ratified by the P5 on 24 October 1948 in this American city.
What is San Francisco?
This fraction of the General Assembly must vote "yes" in order for a new state to be admitted.
What is two thirds?
The efforts the WHO, the FAO and the IMF are coordinated by this main UN body.
What is the Economic and Social Council?
This organisational system is used to determine the General Assembly's seating plan.
What is alphabetical?
This agency's trick-or-treat donation campaign has raised over $91 million in Canada to help improve the lives of children worldwide.
What is UNICEF?
The UN is turning this old this October.
What is 66 years old?
This nation is the most recent to become a member state, having joined the UN in 2011 after gaining its independence.
What is South Sudan?
This main judicial body of the UN has deliberated on such issues as nuclear disarmament, whaling practices, and frontiers disputes.
What is the International Court of Justice?
The Secretary-General of the UN, currently this man representing South Korea, is the head of the Secretariat and serves as a spokesperson for the UN as a whole.
Who is Ban Ki-Moon?
This man, author of the autobiographical "Shake Hands with the Devil" about his experiences as a UN Peacekeeper during the Rwandan genocide, resigned from the Canadian Senate in June of this year.
Who is Romeo Dallaire?