United Nations
MUN Vocab
MUN Procedure
In the News

jrO-MUN is an acronym for this organization

What is jr Online Model United Nations?


This is the current Secretary-General of the United Nations

Who is Ban Ki-moon?


This is a change made to an operative clause of a draft resolution. Amendments can add, delete, or change an operative clause in a draft resolution

What is an amendment to a resolution


This is the title of the students who are representing a specific country during an MUN debate

What is a delegate?


Recently there was a mass shooting at this place of worship

What is a syengage?

jrO-MUN was created for this age group
What is Middle School Students or students ages 12-14?
This is the primary health aid organization of the United Nations
What is the World Health Organization (WHO)?

This is a debate format in which delegates can leave their seats to go and talk to others freely and informally. This is usually when delegates find allies and work on draft resolutions. In order to move into an unmoderated caucus, the motion must include the overall caucus time and preferably the purpose of the unmoderated caucus. Example: Senegal moves for an unmoderated caucus for 10 minutes to complete draft resolutions.

What is an Unmoderated Caucus?


This is the title of the person who run's an MUN debate

What is a "chair"or chair person?


This European country will soon leave the European Union.

What is Great Britian?

This is the date when the next jrO-MUN debate will date place
What is June 30th?
This is the international Treaty that governs the United Nations and that all its member states must sign
What is the United Nations Charter?

This is a debate format that allows delegates to make short comments on a specific sub-issue. Typically, delegates who are interested in speaking will raise up their placards and the Chairs will call on delegates to speak one at a time. In order to move into a moderated caucus, the motion must include the overall speaking time, the time per speaker, and the sub-issue to be discussed. Example: Italy moves for a 5 minute moderated caucus with 30 second speaking time per delegate for the purpose of discussing solutions to women’s rights.

What is a Moderated Caucus?


This is the name of the document that is written before the debate, amended during the debate and passed in order to end the debate

What is a resolution?


This is the current president of China

Who is Xi Jinping?


These are the materials you'll need to participate in a jrO-MUN debate (4)

What are computer or laptop, headphones, blackboard software and the internet?

This is the primary food aid organization of the United Nations
What is the World Food Program (WFP)?

This is the list that contains the order of speakers in the committee

What is the speakers list?


This speech is given by each delegate at the beginning of each conference or debate

What is an Opening Speech?


Recently the U.S president stated in an interview that he wanted to end this type of citizenship. 

What is birthright citizenship for children of non U.S citizens? 


This is the date of the next jrO-MUN debate

When is Nov. 17th and 19th (Saturday and Monday)

This date, 1945, is a significant date in UN history
What is the date United Nations was founded?

This is used when a delegate experiences personal discomfort that hinders their ability to participate in committee. Examples: temperature of room, distractions during committee, can’t hear another delegate, etc.

What is a Point of Personal Privilege?


The international MUN community, including SIS follows this set of MUN procedural rules

What is THIMUN or THIMUN procedure?


Jamal Khashogg

Who is a Saudi Arabian journalist killed at the Saudi embassy in Turkey?
