The _____________ of a molecule affects how it interacts or connects with other molecules.
What is shape?
To pull on an object, even without touching it
What is attract?
What would the molecules look like if you mix a solid in a liquid with high attraction.
What is they would spread out evenly and dissolve in the liquid?
A group of atoms joined together in a particular way.
What is a molecule?
This model helped us understand how different molecules interact with eachother.
What is the Matter/Molecule Simulation?
When a solid is placed in a liquid with low attraction, it is likley the molecules would form __________.
What is clusters?
To mix evenly into a liquid by breaking apart into pieces that are too small to see
What is dissolve?
Oil and Vinegar is a great way to demonstate two different substances that have high attraction....true or false?
What is false?
_________can join together to form molecules.
What are atoms?
This model helps us understand that different molecules have different properties.
What is The Fan Model?
What is the difference in how molecules interact with water that causes some sediments to dissolve and others not to?
What is some sediments dissolve (or attract) because their molecules mix with water, while others have molecules that do not mix with water.
Able to dissolve in water or another liquid
What is soluble?
If I leave a cup of water out for 1 week, and I notice the water in the cup decreases over time, then I can say the water _______________.
What is evaporated?
A scientist notices two substances that look and feel similar. What could they investigate to differentiate them?
What is propertys?
This model helped us understand the process for separating components (parts or ingredients) of a mixture.
What is the Chromatography Model?
If you place a solid in a liquid and the molcules were mostly attracted to eachother, what would the molecules look like?
What is, some of the solids molecules would seperate and some would connect together.
A solid that settles to the bottom of a liquid.
What is sediments?
Placing pepper in water is a good example of molecules that have __________ attraction to water molecules.
What is low?
Something you figure out based on observations and information you already know is called.....
What is an inference?
A term (or name) we have used across this unit when looking at certain models regarding things or molecules we cant see is called____________,
What is nanoscale?
When a solids molecules stick together in a liquid, they have high attraction....true or false?
For molecules to dissolve and mix evenly in a liquid, there needs to be a strong attraction between the solid's molecules and the molecules of the liquid (such as water).
In the chromatogprahy test, the ____________ was what test mixture moves through.
What is medium?
What molecule property stays the same before and after the sugar is mixed with the water.
What is weight?
How does understanding the structure of a molecule help explain its function?
What is structural arrangement affects how it interacts with other substances.
This model helped us understand that... "all molecules of a substance are the same, and they are different from the molecules of other substances".
What is the Pasta Model?