What is the smallest form of matter that we have talked about?
The source of all energy in an ecosystem
Most of Earth's water is in what form?
How many variables do you change during an investigation?
What is a science "adjective" called?
a property
What means to mix a solid evenly into a liquid by breaking down into smaller pieces to small to see?
The source of all food matter in an ecosystem.
Which item would have to be observed at the nanoscale? eyelashes, molecules, pebbles, or grains of sugar
A mixture is made up of ______________ molecules.
If something dissolves - it is said to be what?
What can you add to a mixture that won't mix to help it bond together?
an emulsifier
What breaks down dead plants and animals into nutrients for the soil.
Pepper and cumin will leave these pieces in any liquid. We don't want them in our salad dressing.
Stirring a mixture of a solid and liquid can help the solid ______________.
If two molecules connect - what do you call that in science?
What is the universal liquid (solvent)?
If one organism in an ecosystem becomes unhealthy, it can affect the whole.......
Name two ways that humans can affect the amount of freshwater available.
pollution and overuse
When is an emulsifier not needed?
An emulsifier is not needed when the molecules attract to one another.
Atoms and molecules form different ______________.
What is the name of the model that was used to separate the ink? What did that model show with the colors?
chromatography - it showed the density of the different colors
What three things do plants need to make their own food?
Sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.
Is oil more or less dense than water. How do you know?
Less dense because it floats to the top of a liquid solution.
In the molecule SIM - molecule #5 was mostly likely _______. Why?
Oil - because it would not attract to anything without an emulsifier.