If Allah blesses someone with wealth, how should it be used?
If Allah blesses someone with wealth, it must be used properly and shared with those people who are less fortunate.
What are the three things Allah hates in you?
Truly Allah hates three things in you: quarreling, wasting one's wealth, and frequent, useless questions.
For some people, wealth becomes the most important thing in their lives. They forget ________. (fill in blank)
They Forget that misfortune or death may separate them from their wealth at any time and leave them with nothing.
What is the main idea of Islam?
It is to keep a balanced life and avoid the extremes.
What does someone need money for?
One needs money for his own livelihood and the livelihood of his family.
In what Surah does it say “ And in their wealth there is a recognized right for the needy and the poor"?
Al-Ma'arij 70:24-25
A Muslim should not use his wealth on what and in a what manner?
On useless things in a wasteful manner.
Why shouldn’t a Muslim not give away so freely?
So that the person won't find himself in need; he should always give away some so that he won't run out.
What is a muslim’s goal in life whether rich or poor?
A muslim's goal in life, whether rich or poor, should faithfully serve Allah by obeying His commands and to seek His pleasure by being good to others.
A Muslim should be moderate in his attitude towards what?
Towards wealth and possesion.
What should a Muslim avoid and be cautious of?
He should avoid stinginess and be cautious of extravagant indulgences at the expense of his own own obligations.
What is the conclusion of this lesson?
A muslim should live a simple and modest life, following the example of Rasulullah. Our wealth is a gift from Allah and therefore must not be wasted. Generosity is a good habit to develop.