Progressive Era Politics
Progressive Era Society
Imperial Era
WWI Politics
WWI Society
These people ran in the 1912 election.
Who are Roosevelt, Wilson, Taft and Debs
Unions used this tactic to force corporation owners to give them better working conditions
What are strikes
Which country did the US defeat to gain control of most of their imperial territory?
What is Spain
Wilson went to France to negotiate the end of the war with Fourteen Points, but this agreement was signed, leaving out many of the points Wilson advocated
What is the Treaty of Versailles
This act made it illegal to speak ill of the government or the war.
What is the Sedition Act
This president busted more trusts than any other president.
Who is Taft

This early 1900s movement could be summed up as a movement to spread power from the hands of the few to the hands of the many.

What is the Progressive Movement

The sinking of this ship was a main excuse for the US declaration of war in 1898
What is the USS Maine
Other than better treatment of European Colonies, it could be said that this is the major difference between the Fourteen Points and the treaty that was signed.
What is the harsh treatment of Germany
After fighting valiantly in the war and returning home to Jim Crow laws in the south, many African-Americans moved north to work in the factories in this event
What is the Great Migration
In opposition to Roosevelt's "New Nationalism", this president proposed a "New Freedom", in which he advocated for the worker's freedom from the oppression of corporations.
Who is Wilson
This book was written to show the American people how bad the working conditions were in American factories, but ended up mobilizing food and drug regulations.
What is The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair
Contrary to US treatment of the Philippines, Cuba was given nominal (in name only) freedom, as long as their constitution included this amendment, which gave the US a special relationship with Cuba.
What is the Platt Amendment
These are the three reasons often cited for the US entering the war
What are U boat attacks, the Zimmerman note, and to spread Democracy.

This was the Progressive Party candidate in the election of 1912

Who is Roosevelt

They're called Unions
What are collectives of workers that gather together to give them more leverage in negotiations with company owners
Led by people like Pullitzer and Hearst, this was a major way the American public opinion was swayed in favor of war in Cuba.
What is Yellow Journalism
This was Wilson's campaign slogan in the 1916 election
What was "He kept us out of the war"

The supreme court justices ruled in Schenck's case and that free speech is protected unless it may create this.

"clear and present danger"


The 16th did this.

Created Income Tax 


This person founded the settlement house - Hull House

Who is Jane Addams?

This is what the Committee on Public Information did
What is distributed pro-war pamphlets, posters and speeches