Words/Concepts #1.
Words/Concepts #2.
People #1.
People #2.
Comprehension Questions

What is a democracy? 

It's a system of rule based on popular consensus.


What are Junkers?

It was the landed nobility in Prussia.


Who was Metternich?

He was an Austrian foreign minister who had shifted his country's support away from Napolean and insured the French defeat. He realized that Austria's security depended on a stable, peaceful Europe. He was also a leader at the Congress of Vienna.


Who was Abraham Lincoln?

He was a politician and lawyer. He was the sixteenth president of the United States (1861-1865). Lincoln led the United States through the War Between the States, preserved the Union, abolished slavery, strengthened the federal government, and modernized the economy. 


According to classic liberals, what is the chief end of government?

The chief end of government was to uphold the liberty and safety of all citizens.


What are reparations?

It is a payment for war damages to other countries.


What is the German Confederation?

It was a loose association of thirty-nine German states in Central Europe.


Who was Alfred Dreyfus?

He was an artillery officer of Jewish origin. In 1894, he was convicted of treason. Today known as the Dreyfus affair, the intrigue eventually came to an end with Dreyfus's complete exoneration. He was parted in 1906.


Who was Florence Nightingale?

She was a celebrated social reformer, statistician, and founder of modern nursing. She became known during the Crimean War as a manager of nurses, whom she trained; she organized the care of the wounded soldiers on the Crimean Peninsula. Nightingale became known as "The Lady with the Lamp" who made rounds of wounded soldier at night.


What does the term, "balance of power" mean?

It is a shared power that's distributed among authority and the most important aspect of the term, "balance of power" was the alliance system that came from the congress.


What is the Quadruple Alliance?

It was an alliance of the three allies (Russa, Austria, & Prussia) to join with Britain in a 24 year Quadruple Alliance to maintain whatever peace terms were reached.


What is the Constitutional Republic?

It was publicly elected representatives that must govern according to the laws of a constitution. 


Who was Castlereigh?

Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh was one of the ablest diplomats of the century. He helped to hold the others together when they began infighting. He was firmly committed to mutual security and balance of power in Europe. He was a British foreign minister; leader at the Congress of Vienna; great diplomat; misunderstood in Britain; and committed suicide.


What is Queen Victoria's nickname?

She is known as "the grandmother of Europe."


Name the key representatives of the major powers at the Congress of Vienna. Identify the country of each representative. 

There was the Austrian representative (Furst von Metternich), the British representative (Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh), the Russian representative (Tsar Alexander I), the Prussian representative (Prince Karl August Furst von Hardenberg), and the French representative (Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord).


What is the Quintuple Alliance?

In 1818, France was allowed to become a full-fledged member of the club, making the Quadruple Alliance into the Quintuple Alliance.


What was the Paris Commune?

It was a radical socialist and revolutionary government, which resorted to mob violence. It resulted in the deaths of 25,000 people and it was communist lead.


What is Alexander II's nickname?

He is known as "Alexander the Liberator."


What was Nicholas II's nickname?

He was known as "Nicholas the Bloody."


What caused the collapse of the Metternich system?

When France triggered the event by ousting Louis-Philippe and setting up the second Republic, quickly the "virus of revolution" of 1848 spread across the continent. The whole Metternich system collapsed.


What is the European Restoration?

It was a period in which monarchs and nobles worked together, to regain privileges. 


What was the Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. Addressing objections raised by Anti-Federalists, these amendments add to the constitution guarantees of personal freedoms and rights, place limitations on the federal government's power in judicial and other proceedings, and explicitly declare that all powers not expressly delegated to Congress by the Constitution are reserved for the states or the people.


What is Alexander III's nickname?

He is known as "The Peacemaker."


What was Otto von Bismark's nickname?

He was known as the "Iron Chancellor."


Identify the common elements of the unifications of Italy and Germany.

a. Architects of unification were realists, aristocrats, and prime ministers.

b. Each had key countries that were economically advanced.

c. Each used military force to unify.
