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The name given to Hitlers 1932 election campaign which aimed to bolster support across the country.

What is Hitler over Germany?


The purging of wealthy famers in an attempt to prevent any resistance to socialism.

What is dekulakisation?


The name given to Diem's new party in the hopes of replicating what Ho had achieved in the North with the Lao Dong.

What is the Can Lao?


The brutal killing of a 14 year old boy who was tortured beyond recognition.

Who is Emmett Till?


The name of the enchanted dessert the white witch conjures for Edmund in the Chronicles of Narnia - the lion, the witch and the wardrobe.

What is Turkish delight?


Legislation that allowed the Reich government to issue laws without the consent of Germany’s parliament, laying the foundation for the complete Nazification of German society.

What is the Enabling Act?


A fundamental aim of Soviet foreign policy that attempted to prevent Russia from being drawn into a war without allies.

What is collective security?


The physical security provided to South Vietnamese peasants to protect them from communist influence and intimidation.

What is the Agroville Program or Strategic Hamlet program?


A significant achievement of the Civil Rights movement which effectively ended segregation in the USA.

What is the Civil Rights Act, 1964?


Famous author whose Christmas novel has been adapted over 100 times featuring the characters Ebenezer Scrooge and Tiny Tim.

Who is Charles Dickens?


The name given to the aggressive expansionist policy enacted by Japan.

What is the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere?


The name given to the terror campaign that swept the country in Stalin's attempt to politically transform society. The principal orchestrator was the bloodthirsty dwarf.

What is the Yezhovschina?


A secret department of Defence study undertaken on US involvement in Vietnam which revealed a systematic pattern of lies to the American public.

What are the Pentagon Papers?


A law prohibiting the the public carrying of a loaded firearm without a permit.

What is the Mulford Act?


An NBA basketball star who died in a helicopter crash with his nine year old daughter in 2020.

Who is Koby Bryant?


A loyal servant of Hitler who grew to hold too much power, eventually becoming a threat. He was eliminated on 1 July 1934.

Who is Ernst Rohm?


A truly democratic document that guaranteed the basic freedoms of speech, religion, press and assembly and provided free elections based on universal suffrage with no discrimination against any religious, ethnic or national group.

What is the 1936 Constitution?


The major impact of the VC's psychological warfare campaign which led to a major war crime that helped to initiate a change of opinion in the anti-war movement.

What is the My Lai massacre?


This campaign resulted in 35 shootings, 15 murders and 1000 arrests for civil disobedience. It would gain media attention for the death of two white activists and the torture of one African American.

What was the response the to Mississippi Freedom Summer Project?


The best selling music solo artist of all time.

Who is Elvis Presley?


Known as speech and expression, religion, want and fear.

What are FDR's four freedoms?


An organisation for young people that became an organ for spreading communist ideology and preparing the youth to be future leaders of the party.

What is the Komsomol?


A women's organisation that promoted an end to the Vietnam war. Their first action was to send a Mother’s Day card to Washington bearing a bright yellow sunflower and a statement of conscience “we who have given life must be dedicated to preserving it. Please talk peace”.

Who is Another Mother for Peace?


A radical member of the Student non-violent Coordinating Committee who called an end to non-violence following the assassination of MLK.

Who was Stokely Carmichael?


The name of the virtual utopia that teenager Wade Watts explores in Ernest Cline’s futuristic novel, Ready Player One?

What is Oasis?
