What's the name of Amazon's virtual assistant?
The key to take online classes
Name 3 popular paid video streaming services
Netflix, Youtube, Hulu, Disney+, AppleTV, HBO Max, ClaroVideo, etc
What does the AI mean?
Artificial Inteligence
You'd be lost in another city/country without this app
Maps/Google Maps
Two most popular cellphone brands in the world
Apple and Samsung
In what year was Facebook created?
He invented the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell
Name 3 apps that allow you to videocall
Skype, Facebook Messenger, Facetime, Zoom, Line, Google Hangouts, Viber, etc
Without a password, you can't connect to ______ and go online
The most famous online retailer site
In what year was YouTube created?
The next generation cars are...
Hybrid cars, electric cars and driverless cars*
The most modern way of printing nowadays
You wouldn't be able to use Google Maps without it
The 2 most famous companies founded by Elon Musk
Tesla & SpaceX
In what year was Google created?
He played a key role in developing smartphones
Steve Jobs
A wireless technology system used for exchanging data
Amazon's e-readers and e-books store
In what year was Netflix created?
WWW stands for
World Wide Web