When did Primo de Rivera dictatorship begin?
How long did the Franco dictatorship last?
around 40 years
When was the constitution approved?
Who had the right to vote from 1900 to 1923?
Men over the age of 25
Which three artistic movements appeared in Spain during the 20th century?
Cubism, Surrealism and Abstract Art
When was the second republic established?
When did the Spanish civil war end? And when did the Franco dictatorhship start?
Which law liberated the political prisoners during the Franco dictatorship in 1977?
The amnesty law
True or False: During the Franco dictatorship men and women were equal under the law
Pablo Picasso was the main artist in which artistic movement?
Which two parties fought in the civil war?
Republicans and Nationalists
When was Spain allowed to join the United Nations?
Who was our first president during the transition to democracy?
Adolfo Suárez
When did people have the right to unemploment benefits for the first time?
During the second republic
Which are the most important artist in surrealism?
Salvador Dalí and Joan Mirò
Which important right was created in the constitution in 1931?
All men and women could vote
What was the Falange?
It was the only legal political party during the Franco dictatorship, it supported Franco.
When did Spain join the European Union?
What law was passed in 1980 to improve Womens rights?
Equal pay law
Where is the Guggenheim Museum located?
What type of censorhsip occured during the Primo de Rivera dictatorship?
Newspapers were controlled by the government.
Which terrorist group assissinated Francos prime minister?
Which coin did Spain adopt in 2002?
How many women worked outside their home by the end of the 20th century?
over 50%
Which are the most popular artists in poems?
Federico García Lorca, Miguel Hernández, Elvira Sastre