What instrument was used to behead "traitors" and criminals during the French Revolution?
Define or explain what happened during the Age of Enlightenment
Age of reasoning where American and French Revolutions took place.
Who invented the Telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
Define Conquistador
A colonizer, especially one of the Spanish conquerors in the New World.
A man who is well rounded in all subjects; art, math, science, english, etc.
King Louis XVI
What are 2 Human Rights?
The right of citizens to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness
What did Cyrus Mccormick invent?
The Reaper
Define Caravel
Small fast moving ship used for long journeys
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Leonardo da Vinci
What fortress in Paris was torn down by the people in a form of defiance?
What is Separation of Powers?
A form of government in which the executive, legislative and judicial branches limit and control each other.
Who invented Peanut Butter?
George Washington Carver
Define Astrolabe
A tool to measure a ship's latitude at sea by measuring the angle between the horizon and the stars.
Where did the Renaissance begin?
Florence Italy
What was the Great Fear?
A general panic for the people of France involving riots and attempts to overthrow the monarchy.
When a group of people agree to give up certain rights and accept a central authority in order to protect their other rights.
Who invented the Sewing Machine?
Elias Howe or I.M Singer
What is mercantilism?
Economic policy that a nation's power depended on its gold and silver
Define Humanism
A doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values.
Who are two important men who played a large role in the French Revolution?
Robespierre and Marat
de Montesquieu
What did Robert Fulton invent?
Who was the first to circumnavigate?
What did Michelangelo do?
The ceiling frescoes of the Sistine Chapel.