He wrote the 95 Theses about issues with the Catholic church.
Martin Luther
to be kicked out of a religion until you meet certain conditions to return
new inventions and a focus on science
Scientific Revolution
these men were the world's richest; they built the industries that built America
Robber barons
shop owners and middle class
One of the main leaders in the French Revolution. He led the attacks on royalty and eventually was beheaded himself.
you paid these to Catholic priests to receive forgiveness
intellectual movement in the 1600's; emphasis on education, knowledge and reason
The Enlightenment
when all or most of one industry is owned by one entity/person; illegal today
prison in France that held political prisoners; was torn apart by the people
Father of capitalism and modern economics
Adam Smith
name given people of Christian religions who were not Catholic
movement focusing on the individual and on the secular
one who opens a business
being forced to leave one's country and to move to another place
Polish astronomer and mathematician. Taught heliocentric concept.
one who goes against the main teachings of a religion
period of a major schism in Christianity; when Protestantism was born
The Reformation
organization of machinery and administration to build products
Factory System
laws that governed legal interactions in France; gave freedom and limits
Napoleonic Code
Taught natural rights of all people; wrote Two Treatise; quoted by Founding Fathers
John Locke
important and powerful organization of strict priests in the Catholic Church
period where European nations explored and made claims to much of the world
Age of Exploration
having few if any restrictions on business
laissez faire
period of panic and riots during the early stages of the French Revolution; many deaths
The Great Fear