The Romanov Family & The Russian Revolution
Struggles in Latin America
Conflicting Forces in Japan
The Western Democracies Stumble

The victim of Gavrilo Princip's assassination, and the person whose assassination is credited with starting WWI.

Who is Franz Ferdinand?


The Romanov that abdicated his power, ending the near 300 years of Romanov rule before all members of his immediate family were executed.

Who is Czar Nicholas II?


In Mexico, the large plantations, controlled by the landowning elite and where most peasants worked. 

What are haciendas?


A group of extreme nationalists that were fed by the discontentment with the leading military officials and economic disaster.

Who are ultranationalists?


The policy that symbolized the optimistic period of peace beginning in the 1920s and encouraged countries to reduce armed forces and weapons. 

What is disarmament?


The place that soldiers made their homes, bathrooms, and battleground during WWI. This type of warfare was new and introduced during WWI.

What is a trench, or trench warfare?


The mystic that had a powerful influence on the Romanovs, especially Alexandra, and was murdered by Russian nobles in 1916.

Who is Rasputin?


The document that addressed three major issues: land, religion, and labor and was reluctantly approved by newly elected Mexican president, Carranza.

What is the Constitution of 1917?


The emperor of Japan, from 1926-1989 who was a private man and preferred marine biology to power politics.

Who is Hirohito?


The federal government programs proposed by Franklin D. Roosevelt that included massive economic and social programs to help fix the problems caused by the Great Depression.

What is the New Deal?


This individual was the Head of the Navy during WWI.

Who is Winston Churchill?


The group of revolutionaries in Russia, headed by Lenin that promised: "Peace, Land, and Bread."

Who are the Bolsheviks?


The promise American president, Franklin Roosevelt, made in the 1930s to Latin American countries that vowed to lessen the interference with their affairs. 

What is the Good Neighbor Policy?


The alliance formed in September 1940 when Japan signed the Tripartite Pact along with Germany and Italy.

What is the Axis Powers?


The painful time of global economic collapse, had begun quietly in the summer of 1929 with decreasing production.

What is the Great Depression?


The document that was signed in the same carriage that Adolf Hitler used to force the French to surrender to the Germans in WWII on November 11, 1918.  

What is The Armistice


The action Czar Nicholas II took in order to hopefully preserve peace in Russia and ensure his family's safety, which actually did neither.

What is to abdicate?

A tide that swept over Latin American countries in the 1920s and 1930s that emphasized home control of the economy.

What is economic nationalism?


The northern part of China that Japan nationalists set up a puppet state there that they called Manzhouguo.

What is Manchuria?


The condition in which the production of goods exceeds the demand for them.

What is overproduction?


The individual seen on many recruitment posters for the British Navy.

Who is Lord Kitchener?


Groups set up by revolutionaries in Russia including councils of workers and soldiers.

What are soviets?


A result of the signing of the Mexican Constitution of 1917 that called for government takeover of natural resources.  

What is nationalization?


The powerful Japanese business leaders that had influence over the political parties in Japan.

Who are the zaibatsu?


The central banking system of the United States, which regulates banks, raised interest rates in 1928 and 1929.

What is the Federal Reserve?
