This wealthy banking family dominated Florence during the Renaissance, and sponsored many of the greatest Renaissance artworks
The Medici
He was a leading Enlightenment thinker, Founding Father of the United States and author of the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
The Free Market economic system which has dominated Western Civilization (and now much of the world) for the past 200 years is often referred to by THIS, its other name
This March 5, 1770 event involved British soldiers firing upon an unruly American crowd - killing 5 - who were taunting them with insults and threats as well as pelting them with snowballs and rocks
The Boston Massacre
The Protestant Reformation began in 1517 when ___________ nailed 95 theses to a _________ door in Wittenberg, Germany.
Martin Luther, Cathedral
Italian Renaissance architects rejected the favored style of medieval church building, which was characterized by spires, stained glass, pointed arches and (to their greatest horror) flying buttresses. In their disgust, they named this style after a great tribe of Germanic barbarians who had overrun the Roman Empire. The name stuck. Its called __________ architecture.
He is considered the Father of Science. This English philosopher discovered Calculus, theorized Gravity and established the Three Laws of Motion
Sir Isaac Newton
This Social Contract philosopher argued that once a people agreed to form a society (A "Social Contract"), only one force could be supreme, and it came 100% from the group members themselves. He called this force "The _____ ______ "
General Will
This temporary body - established in Philadelphia in 1774 - governed the American colonies throughout the whole Revolutionary War, and was populated by well known Founders like Washington, Jefferson and Adams
The Continental Congress
The European Age of Discovery was ENABLED by several factors. Two of these were:
-Advances in Banking
-Technological Innovations (compass, lateen sail, astrolabe)
-Rediscovery of Classical (Greek/Roman) knowledge its Islamic commentaries
Many factors helped transition the Middle Ages to the Renaissance period. TWO examples of such factors were:
-Black Death
-Gunpowder Weapons
-Birth of Proto-Nations (England, France)
-Weakening of Church (Great Schism, Avignon Papacy)
His book, Common Sense, circulated through the American colonies between 1775-1776. It was a leading factor in Americans pushing the Continental Congress to declare independence the following July
Thomas Paine
Johannes Kepler's discovery that the planets in the Solar System revolved around the Sun in ____________ orbits, NOT perfectly round ones, was a symbolic turning point from Renaissance idealism to the experimentation-only-based methodology of the Scientific Revolution.
About 1/4 - 1/3 of the American population DID NOT support the Revolution, and remained pro-British. Although they were sometimes mistreated - even violently on a few occasions - they never suppressed, jailed or executed like counterrevolutionaries in the French Revolution.
These FOUR European nations conquered the largest colonial empires in the Americas by the 1700s
Spain, Portugal, England, France
The elegant - but very cumbersome - system of Roman numerals was dominant during the Middle Ages. During the early Renaissance, Italian bankers and merchants introduced the system of modern numbers into the West. The Italians did not invent these numbers themselves, but learned them from the ___________ .
Islamic World (hence the term "Arabic Numerals")
This Austrian born princess became the last queen of France prior to the Revolution. She was guillotined during the Reign of Terror in 1793
Marie Antoinette
These coffee-house style meeting spaces - often managed by educated women - were the places where intellectual philosophers generated, discussed and disseminated key ideas of the Enlightenment.
Two great compromises were necessary at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 to get all the delegates from all 13 states to agree. What were the 2 compromises?
-Issue of representation between big/small states (resulted in creation of 2 houses of Congress: the Senate and House of Reps)
-Issue of how to count slaves for purposes of representation (resulted in the 3/5th clause)
The majority of Protestant Reformers rejected (what they considered to be) all the unnecessary additions of the Roman Catholic Church to Christianity. They generally narrowed down the requirements for salvation to ____________ alone and generally dismissed the validity of all Catholic texts that were written AFTER the ___________ .
Faith (in Jesus Christ)
the Bible
Botticelli's paintings the "Primavera" and the "Birth of Venus" were landmark events in Renaissance art; they represented the VERY BEGINNING of an artistic shift away from __________ subjects towards ____________ subjects.
This social contract theorist argued that freedom equated with the greatest freedom of choice. He believed that the social contract - or government - was NOT the end-all, be-all; things like family, tradition and religion could trump one's place in a "social contract". He believed that the members of a social contract always retained at least a portion of their sovereignty.
John Locke
One of the three great Social Contract theorists opened his book with "Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains." That philosopher was
The "Shot Heard Round the World" was fired April 19, 1775 at THIS Massachusetts battle right outside Boston.
King Louis XVI locked the deputies of the Estates General out of their meeting space at the beginning of the French Revolution as their democratic fervor became alarming. In defiance, the deputies met in the nearest available space and swore to never disband until France had a constitution. The event was called the
Tennis Court Oath