In which Surah does Allah (swt) mention specific guidelines for modesty?
Surah Noor
What is Modesty?
Answers may vary. To not be proud or overly confidant.
What does Khalifa mean?
Where was our first Qibla?
Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem
Why should we want to be modest?
Modesty brings upon goodness and Allah will reward us for choosing to be modest.
How should a person enter someone's home?
Saying Salam and asking persmission to enter the home and to make sure your entrance is allowed.
Name of the journey Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) took to Jerusalem and then the heavens
Isra wal Miraj
What is commanded of the men in Surah Noor?
Lower their gaze and guard their chastity
Are muslim men commanded to dress appropriately or only act modestly?
Yes, they have to act modestly and dress in loose clothing too. Give examples.
Who was the first Khalifa?
Bonus:What characteristics was he known for?
Abu Bakr (ra)
What commandment did Allah (swt) give the Prophet (PBUH) during Isra war Miraj?
Pray 5 times a day.
What are the requirement of hijab for men
Covering the belly button, knees, and everything in between.
Why do men shave their hair at the end of hajj and umrah?
Bonus: How does this relate to a woman covering her hair?
For humility and overcoming any sense of pride.
Who was the second Khalifa?
Bonus: Name a fact about him
Which prophets did the prophet pbuh meet during his journey through the heavens?
All of them ( led them in prayer). But specifically mentioned:
1. Adam (as), 2. Isa (as), 3. yusuf (as), 4. Idris (as), 5. Haroon (as), 6. Musa (as), 7. Ibrahim (as)
As a woman what is required to be covered?
Everything but the face and hands
What and who is a mahram in islam?
A relative a woman does not need to cover in front of. Includes parents, grandparents, siblings, husband, aunts and uncles.
Who was the third Khalifa?
Bonus: What was one of his biggest contributions to islam?
Uthman (ra)
Where is our current qibla?
Bonus: Who built this Qibla?