What is the noun?
The three large dogs walked were cute.
What is dogs?
What is the verb?
The girls walked quickly.
What is walked?
Name the adjectives in the sentence.
I am a nice person.
What is nice?
Name the adverb in the sentence.
She walked quickly.
What is quickly?
Adjectives describe what?
What is a noun?
What is the noun?
Donna is nice and sweet.
What is Donna?
What is the verb?
Dogs wag their tails happily.
What is wag?
Name the adjectives in the sentence.
There are smart students in the classroom.
What is smart?
Name the adverb in the sentence.
She quickly went to the store.
What is quickly?
The word "describes" means what?
What is tells about?
What is the noun.
Tullahoma is small and fun.
What is Tullahoma?
What is the verb?
Yesterday, the school closed its doors.
What is closed?
Name the adjectives in the sentence.
The happy mothers walked their new babies.
What are happy and new?
Name the adverb in the sentence.
The ice cream truck slowed down the street.
What is slowed?
Adverbs describe what?
What is verbs?
What are the nouns?
The happy students went to the small school.
What are the students and school.
What are the verbs?
The students are walking quickly and talking loudly in the gym.
What are walking and talking?
Name the adjectives in the sentence.
The red balloons floated into the blue sky.
What are red and blue?
Name the adverbs in the sentence.
I want some ice cream now.
What is now?
Name an adjective that would describe a student.
What is smart, cute...Take all acceptable answers.
What are the nouns?
The big game is tonight in the huge stadium.
What are game and stadium.
What are the verbs?
Tomorrow, I will work hard and sadly clean my house.
What are work and clean?
Name the adjectives in the sentence.
That beautiful, round table is a nice piece of furniture.
What are that, beautiful, round, nice?
Name the adverbs in the sentence.
The dogs ran down the street quickly.
What is quickly.
What is the correct adverb to use?
The girls plays the piano (good, well).
What is well?