Book and Cook
What is Rhyme
The ability to hear the individual sounds in a word. EX:/b/ /aaa//nnnn/ /d/
What is phoneme blending
Phonemes - smallest unit
What is phonology
Gestures, body posturing, and facial expressions
What is nonlinguistic codes
Also called specific language impairment
What is DLD
An understanding that sentences are made up of words
What is word awareness
Changing individual sounds in a word. EX change the /d/ in /dog/ to an /f/ - now we get /fog/
What is phoneme substitution
Word order and sentence structure
What is syntax
What are paralinguistic codes
True or False: Neurobiological and environmental factors do not increase the risk of DLD.
What is false
What are syllables
Adding, deletion, or substitution of a phoneme. Ex: delete the /t/ for the word /cat/ and change it to a b and add the /s/ in front of the /c/ in /cat/ - now we get /scab/
What is phoneme manipulation
Free and bound units
What is morphology
Signal attitude or emotion
What are paralinguistic codes
True or False: DLD is not a brain-based neurodevelopmental diversity like autism
What is True
The division of a syllable into two parts: /b/ and /ag/
What is onset-rime
Breaking down a spoken word into its individual sounds. EX: C-a-t
Understanding Tier 2 and Tier 3 words
What is content
Eye contact and body movement
What are nonlinguistic codes
True or False: DLD can co-exist with learning disabilities or other diagnoses
What is True
The awareness of sound structure
What is phonological awareness?
Units being manipulated are phonemes
What is phonemic awareness
Rules for conversation
What is pragmatics
Ability to talk about language, analyze, and think about it
Metalinguistic cues
True or False: DLD does not persist into adulthood
What is false