ELA Terms
Point of View

What is an inference? 

An educated guess


What is the definition of theme?

life lesson or message learned from the story


If someone walks into the room skipping and smiling, how do they feel?

Happy, excited 


What are the types of point of view?

1st, 2nd, 3rd 


What is it called when the last one or more syllables within separate words match?



What are character traits?

Descriptions of a character's personality 

(Describing the inside of someone) 


True or False: Theme is always directly stated in the passage.


If someone walks into class and they slam the door and knock all the papers over, how are they feeling? 

Angry, mad, frustrated


What are the key words for 1st person point of view?

I, me, my, we, us


A group of lines within the verse of a poem is called what?



What does the ELA key term setting mean? 

Where the story takes place 

Mizo enjoyed helping other people. If she was asked to help, she always did her best on any job. The people around her praised Mizo as a great worker.
    One day, Mizo was asked to go on a long journey to find food. It had rained and many plants had died from too much water. Mizo’s family and friends knew that they could count on her to find food. Mizo walked miles and miles. She picked berries and fruit in the hot sun. She walked farther and found fresh onions growing in the field. She also trapped a rabbit for dinner. As she began to walk home, Mizo smiled thinking of her hard work.

What is the theme of this story?

Hard work pays off.


Tiffany gets home from school late on Thursday. She puts her sheet music on the kitchen counter and her trumpet case in the living room. Tiffany's mom asks her, “Did Mrs. Anderson give you the music for the spring concert?” 

Where was Tiffany? 

Music Practice


What are the key words for second person? 

You, your, yours


Poems use _________ to get the reader to picture what is happening in the story.

Imagery or descriptive language


What does Fiction mean? 

What does Non-Fiction mean? 

Must get both correct!

Fiction= a made up or fake story 

Non-Fiction = A real story, based on true events 


Rob had been invited to the party, and he saw a table full of sweets. He just loved anything sweet. Without asking, Rob filled his plate with cupcakes and candy. It tasted so good! All of the guests had not arrived yet, so Rob went back to the table four more times and loaded his plate with more sweets. Pretty soon, Rob felt bad. He had an upset tummy from eating too much. Rob got sick, so he had to leave the party.

What is the theme of this story?

Only take what you need.


You may want to have my phone number around just in case your house has a leaky pipe! My services come in handy when your house is having problems with the kitchen sink, faucet, or bath tub. 

What is this person's occupation?

A plumber


Identify the point of view: 

My mom woke me up extra early for school today. She wanted to make sure that I wasn't late for my first day back! 

1st person 


Which type of figurative language is sometimes used in poetry and refers to the repetition of the same sound at the start of a series of words?



What does the ELA key term mood mean? 

How a story makes the reader feel 


Alonzo believed that he was happy. He loved to go shopping and buy things. He thought that having expensive shoes, clothes, and lots of “stuff” made him happy.
    One day, Alonzo’s sister, Anna, became very sick. The doctor did not know if she would get better. Alonzo was miserable, and stayed by her bedside. He loved his sister very much. Alonzo and his family waited and waited, until one day, Anna woke up and smiled. The doctor had good news. Anna would get better. In that moment, Alonzo knew what happiness was really about.

What is the theme of the story?

Real happiness does not come from things you buy. Happiness comes from being with and caring about the people you love.


I have quite an exciting job that allows me to work with lots of exotic animals. I work hard from the early morning to the end of the day because a lot of critters depend on me. I am in charge of feeding animals, cleaning habitats, and making sure all the animals are happy and healthy. 

What is this person's occupation?

A zoo keeper!


Identify the point of view: 

Yesterday, Mario and Ella were walking home from the corner store. "Hey wait for me!!" Julio yelled. Mario and Ella turned around and saw their cousin running after them. 

3rd person 


What is it called when lines are repeated in a poem to show importance?

