Who was president during the Great Depression?
Herbert Hoover
What were the 2 primary causes of the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression?
severe drought and over farming
How did Bud get revenge on Todd?
He made him wet the bed.
What year was Billie Jo born?
Who became president in 1933 after Herbert Hoover?
Franklin D Roosevelt
What event began The Great Depression?
The stock market crash
Dust traveled as far as New York City. What tourist attraction had dust on it?
The Statue of Liberty.
What was the name given to the camp-like towns that many people had to live in?
Who taught Bille Jo to play the piano?
her Ma
What famous dessert food did Ruth Wakefield of Whitman, Massachusetts, create in 1930?
The chocolate chip cookie
How many thousands of banks failed during The Great Depression?
When people left the Great Plain and headed west, they were often called this...
Who did Bud think was a vampire?
Lefty Lewis
What is the name of Billie Jo's aunt?
Aunt Ellis
What famous Disney dog was introduced in 1930?
What was the unemployment rate in the United States at the worst point of the Great Depression? ( this is a percentage)
What was the name given to one of the worst dust stroms?
Black Sunday
What is the name that Bud was given by the band?
Sleepy Labone
Why was Billie Jo's brother named Franklin?
He was named after Franklin D Roosevelt.
What famous female pilot took flight in the 1930s?
Amelia Earhart
The day the stock market crashed was also called ....
Black Tuesday
2.5 million
Who wrote Bud, Not Buddy?
Christopher Paul Curtis
Who wrote Out of the Dust?
Karen Hesse
What was the average cost of a gallon of milk in the 1930s? ( today a gallon of milk costs around $4)
26 cents