What is Amateurism?
These athletes are minimally paid to compete in athlete competitions
Restricting the freedom of someone who may be deemed competent, for their own benefit
Define PED
Drugs or other exogenous substances taken for the sole purpose of enhancing performance
What does IOC stand for
International Olympic Committee
What is Professionalism?
These athletes are paid substantially to compete in athletic competitions
Define soft paternalism
Restricting the freedom of someone who may be deemed incompetent for their own benefit
Define Coercion
Persuading someone with threat of force
What does WADA stand for
World Anti Doping Agency
Why did PED usage sky rocket after World War 2?
Due to the development of more sophisticated drugs
Define empirical
Verifiable by observation/actual evidence as opposed to theory or pure logic
Describe the harm principle
Interfering with the freedom of others solely because it may harm them and others
What is an endemic (relate this to PED usage)
PEDs are impossible to police because so many athletes are using them
Briefly describe the analogy "Cops and robbers"
This constant chase for the IOC (cops) to test and expose the PED users (robbers)
What are the two aspects of drug usage in sports?
Medication and performance enhancement
Name 3 drugs/substances that would be considered PEDs in Simon's eyes
Alcohol, anabolic steriods, blood doping, etc.
List at least 5 words that are used to describe the 'spirit of sport' according to WADA
Ethics, fair play and honesty, health, excellence in performance, character and education, fun and joy, teamwork, education and commitment, respect for rules and laws, respect for self and other participants, courage, community and solidarity
In what decade did the anti-doping movement really start?
Was Brown for or against PEDs in sport? Name two of his main points.
Restricting access has caused there to be more danger, hard paternalism in athletes is bad b/cuz it opposes certain values (autonomy), and sport has evolved
Describe 1 of Simon's criteria for a substance to be classified as a PED (and thus banned)
Intention of augmenting performance, the substance is dangerous, and the substance is not a prescribed medication
Describe two things that Foddy and Savulescu wish to do in terms of legalizing PEDs