Figurative Language
Plot Elements

What is the difference between a simile and metaphor? 

Similes use like or as to compare two things, metaphors do not. Both compare two things to each other, though. (Smiles as bright as the sun - Her smile was star light)


How can we find the meaning of a new word? 

Dictionary, glossary, context clues 


What are the elements of a plot?

Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution. 


What are the two things necessary to find an inference?

Background knowledge (what I know) and text evidence. 


What are suffixes?

Word parts that are attached to a root word. They change the meaning of the root word. 

What was an example of an idiom in Blind Ambition (p. 134)? 

"...someone to talk to when I get really fed up." paragraph 3 


Read the following sentence from Blind Ambition: 

She's my companion, my friend, someone to talk to when I get really fed up.

What does 'companion' mean? 

It means someone you can rely on, like a friend.


True or false: Falling action is when the problem is starting to get worse in the story.

False. Rising action shows the characters' problems growing and developing throughout the story. 


Why did the author include paragraph 5 in The Game of Silence?

To show how the weather was also affecting Omakayas' frustrated/annoyed mood in the story.


Read the sentence from Blind Ambition:

When I was three I was diagnosed with a brain tumor that pressed against my optic nerve, and I gradually lost my sight.

Think of the suffix -ly. What does gradually mean above?

Gradually means in a state of time slowly passing. 


What were lenses compared to in The Science Behind Sight? Why were they compared to this item? (Hint: page 114)

They were compared to a magnifying glass because lenses make things look very clear just like a magnifying glass does. 


Read the following sentences from The Science Behind Sight:

"When you close your curtains, you stop light from getting inside. The curtains are opaque. Opaque things do not let light through."

What does the word 'opaque' mean? 

Opaque means that you cannot see through it because light does not go through it. 


How did the setting affect the plot in The Game of Silence?

Omakayas was stuck inside various homes within her village which added to the idea that she could not escape her annoying brother. 


Read the excerpt from The Game of Silence:

"With the raggedy ones came serious doings. Difficult questions and impossible news. Great attention was needed. The grown-ups needed to council, think, absorb the facts, without having to shush small children."

What was the author trying to tell the audience with his excerpt?

The adults had something extremely serious to talk about and the kids were expected to stay quiet. 


Think of the suffix -ment as you ready the following sentence: 

Mrs. Martinez did not find enjoyment in writing referrals. 

What is the meaning of 'enjoyment' above?

The state of enjoying something/liking something/finding joy in something. 


Read the following sentence:

'Words buzzing in her throat like caught bees.' 

Why did the author use this simile when describing Omakayas?

The author was saying that she wanted to say a lot of things, but could not because they were playing the game of silence. 


Read the following sentence from Blind Ambition: 

'Sighted golfers will lift their heads to watch the shot, and that messes with their swing.'

What does the word 'swing' mean in this context? 

It means the move that the golfers use to his the ball with their club. 


What was the climax of The Game of Silence?

The children of the village became more interested in the adults' conversation than in participating in The Game of Silence. No one cared about who would win which prize anymore. 


Read the sentences from Blind Ambition:

"[Twyla] allows me to go anywhere and do anything I want."

What did the author mean by saying this? 

The dog is able to help him navigate more places than he could without her assistance (She helps him 'see'). 


What is wrong with this sentence? 

The students were not expecting to see the famous bill of rights document at the U.S. Historical Museum that day!

"Bill of Rights"

That is a title of a passage, so it should be capitalized. 


What did the author of Blind Ambition mean by saying he would get 'really fed up'? 

This is an idiom for feeling frustrated, angry, or upset. 


Read the following sentence from The Science Behind Sight?

"With only one eye, you cannot exactly judge how far things are." 

In this context, what does 'judge' mean?

Judge means to estimate the size or amount of something. 


Where do we see the falling action in the Game of Silence? (Hint: Look on page 156)

All the children got a prize because they were not focused on winning anymore. (paragraph 20)


How did Omakayas' feelings change throughout the story?

***Bonus time awarded*** You get 4 minutes to reread the beginning and ending of The Game of Silence! 

She went from being very focused on a kid's game and having fun to being very aware of the seriousness of the adults' conversation. (Playful to serious) 


How would you correct the following sentence?

The class was very surprised to hear that Mrs. Martinez's husband was half korean and half mexican. 

"Korean" and "Mexican"

These are nationalities, so they should be capitalized. 
