Name 1 rule for trading information
Ask the other person about their interest
After the other person finishes, answer your own question
Find common interest
Share the conversation
Do not get too personal at first
What is Tease the Tease?
A way to make teasing less fun for the teaser. This is where you act like what the teaser said does not bother you or say a brief comeback to tease the tease.
Why is it a bad idea to hang out with a bully?
They may bully us any way; people may associate us with the bully
Name 1 step for hosting a get together
Greet your guest.
Invite your guest in (move out of the doorway so they can enter).
Introduce your guest to anyone they do not know.
Give your guest a tour if this is the first time they have come to your home (e.g., your bedroom, bathroom, living room).
Offer your guest something to drink and eat.
Ask your guest what they want to do (even if you already decided with them in advance)
Give an example of a cover story for a phone call
Give an example
Give an example of a brief comeback for tease-the-tease
“Big deal!”
“So what!”
“Who cares?”
“Yeah, and?”
“And your point is?”
“Tell me when you get to the funny part.”
“Am I supposed to care?”
“Is that supposed to be funny?”
“And why do I care?”
Should you use tease-the- tease with a bully? Why or why not?
No. It can escalate the bully
What can you do if you get bored during a get together?
Suggest a change if you are bored or tired of an activity:
If you are bored, say: “How about when we’re done with this, we play something else?”
If your friend does not want to do what you suggest, let your friend pick the next activity.
Two volunteers act our a two way conversation!
Trade information
Answer your own questions
Find a common interest
Share the conversation
Do not get too personal at first
Ask open-ended questions
Ask follow-up question
Do not be a conversation hog
Do not be an interviewer
Do not be repetitive
Listen to your friend
Do not criticize or tease
Be serious
Sometimes people say things that are embarrassing and may even be meant to tease the teen, but they may also be giving valuable information (i.e., feedback) about how the teen appears to others. We call this embarrassing feedback. What could we do if people repeatedly tell us that our breath smells bad?
They could try and use breath mints after eating; brush their teeth more; use mouthwash; chew gum
Name 2 rules for how to handle a bully
Lay low
Avoid the bully
do not provoke the bully
Hang out with other people
Get help from an adult if you are in danger
Name 2 rules for good sportsmanship
1 praise your friend
2. do not referee the game
3. do not be a coach
4. share and take turns
5. if you get bored suggest a change
6. do not gloat if you win
7. do not sulk or get angry if you lose
After you have a good phone call with someone, give an example of an appropriate text follow-up text
Give an example
Act it out by
- acting like what the teaser said does not bother you
- having a brief comeback
- Shrug your sholders
- Not making fun of the teaser
Should you tell on a bully for every little thing they do that breaks the rules?
Bonus: when should you tell on a bully?
Alert a parent or a teacher if physical harm is threatening or someone could be hurt.
You are playing a game with a friend. The game is tied and on the very last round of the game, the friend wins by sheer luck. What should you do at the end of the game?
Same good game!
Do not sulk or get angry