Relate Multiplication to Division
Division with 2-digit divisors
Estimate with 2-digit divisors
Use Partial Quotients
Spiral Review

A community center has 7 digital music players. Each music player has the same number of songs. If there is a total of 112 songs, how many songs are on each music player?

16 songs


Lucinda has 81 tulip bulbs. She plants 3 bulbs in each row. How many rows of tulip bulbs does she plant? Write a division equation to model this situation

81 divided by 3=27


There are 138 ounces of trail mix in a bag. You want to divide the trail mix equally among 18 smaller bags. What is a reasonable estimate for the number of ounces of trail mix that will go into each smaller bag?

7 ounces

140 divided by 20


A local company donates 1,935 ounces of granola to the food bank. Volunteers are making 85 smaller bags. What is a reasonable estimate for the number of ounces of granola in each smaller bag?

20 ounces

Estimate 7 × 896. Then find the product.

7 x 900= 6,300



A local theater group is performing a musical. The members arrange 105 chairs in 5 equal rows for the audience. How many chairs are in each row? Draw a rectangular array to represent the situation.

25 chairs


Miguel volunteers at the library. He needs to arrange 576 books on shelves for a book sale. There are 16 empty shelves. Miguel puts an equal number of books on each shelf. How many books does he put on each shelf?

36 books


Most Americans spend about 293 hours driving each year. There are 12 months in a year. What is a reasonable estimate for the number of hours most Americans drive each month?

30 hours 

10 x 30 =300


Use partial quotients to solve the division problem 1,512 ÷ 42.



Estimate 12 × 328. Then find the product.

12 x 300= 3,600 or 10 x 300= 3,000



Simone wants 6 of her friends to share 84 photos equally. How many photos will each friend get?

14 photos


The Nile River is the longest river in the world, measuring 6,650 kilometers long. The Nile River is 50 times longer than Japan’s Omono River. How long is the Omono River?  

133 kilometers


William buys a gallon of milk from the store. He wants to pour the milk equally into 12 glasses. What is a reasonable estimate for the number of fluid ounces poured into each glass? 

1 gallon = 128 ounces

10 ounces

12 x 10= 120 


There are 439 flower seeds in a packet. A gardener puts 36 seeds in each seed starter tray.

How many trays can the gardener fully fill with one packet of seeds?



Aniyah arranges 378 seashells into 18 equal rows for a science display. How many seashells are in each row?

21 shells


Priya and her friends are decorating picture frames. Priya shares 96 beads equally among herself and her 3 friends.

How many beads does each of them receive?

32 beads


Two Pony Express riders each rode part of a 216-mile trip. Each rider rode the same number of miles. They changed horses every 12 miles. How many horses did each rider use?

9 horses


Consumers spend about 1,820 hours per year on their mobile devices. There are 52 weeks in a year. What is a reasonable estimate for the number of hours consumers spend on mobile devices each week?

40 hours


A hobby shop sells specialty kites for $14 each during a sale. The hobby shop earns $994 on the kite sales. How many kites does the hobby shop sell?

71 kites


A food service provides 8,952 hot dogs at every baseball game. How many hot dogs does the food service provide for the 81 games during the season?



Milos has 145 baseball cards. He shares the cards equally among 5 of his cousins. How many cards will he give to each cousin? Write a multiplication and a division equation to model the situation.

145 divided by 5

5 x ? = 145


A bill for $1,896 is paid in 12 monthly installments. The same amount must be paid each month. Each installment will be divided equally between two people. How much does each person pay each month?



Courtney earns $2,574 for 32 days of work. She earns the same amount each day. About how much does she earn each day? What are two reasonable estimates the answer is between?

between 80 and 90


Physical activity is important for good health and can reduce the risk of many diseases. During 31 days last summer, a cyclist rode the same number of miles every day for a total of 1,085 miles. How many miles did she ride each day?

35 miles


A city has a population of 36 x 104.   What is the population written as a whole number?

