Literary Elements
Figurative Language
Character Perspective
Elements of Drama

A synonym is to same as antonym is to 

What is different


What is the conflict in a story?

What is the struggle between opposing forces?


What is a metaphor?

What is a direct comparison between two unlike things?


What does the term "point of view" refer to in a story?

A) The setting where the story takes place.
B) The way the author describes the characters.
C) The perspective from which the story is told.
D) The main events that happen in the plot.

What is the perspective from which the story is told.


Something that is an action and acted out

What is a stage direction


What does this sentence show?

“Yes, I asked each of them about the North Forest, and both said the pine trees there are so tall they look like prickly green mountains.”

What is a Simile


What is the theme?

What is the main message, moral, or lesson in a text


What involves giving human traits to non-human things

What is personification


How did King Bartholomew change his perspective of Spring from the beginning to the end of the story?

What is changing after dreaming about the trial and realizing he has "done a very terrible thing" by not appreciating the "yearly miracle" of spring".


A conversation between characters 

What is dialogue


GRANDPA: Grandma, I was wondering something. GRANDMA: Not another one of your silly schemes, is it? 

Which word means the same as schemes as it is used above? 

A plans 

B hopes 

C opinions

D thoughts

What is plans


What is the plot of a story?

A) The main message the author wants to convey.
B) The sequence of events that make up the story.
C) The characters involved in the story.
D) The emotions the characters experience.

What is the sequence of events that make up the story.


Which of the following phrases is an example of a simile?

A) The stars danced in the night sky.
B) Her smile was like sunshine.
C) The wind whispered through the trees.
D) Time flew by quickly.

What is "Her smile was like sunshine"


How did Matt feel about Molloy?

What is doubtful and skeptical about the claims. 


SALLY: By the way, do you have any imaginary friends? 

CROW: Lots. Their names are Creek and Cloud and Tree . . . 

SALLY: Mine are Sarah and Stephen and Suzy and Sorrel . . . 

What does this dialogue help the reader to understand about Sally and Crow? 

A They both miss their imaginary friends. 

B They like to give real names to their imaginary friends.

C They understand the difference between real and imaginary friends.

D They are now friends with each other but once had only imaginary friends.

What is "they are now friends with each other but once had only imaginary friends"


GRANDPA: . . . It’s a remote place, about as far off the nearest highway as anyone could imagine. 

Think about the prefix re-. What is the meaning of remote as it is used above? 

A. dark 

B. tiny 

C. distant

D. strange

 What is Distant


What is a conflict in a story?

A) The location where the story takes place.
B) The main problem or struggle faced by the characters.
C) The resolution of the story's events.
D) The feelings of the characters.

What is the main problem or struggle faced by the characters.


GRANDPA: Crickshaw is a tiny town. . . . Blink and you miss it. 

What kind of figurative language is the phrase “Blink and you miss it”? 

A a simile 

B an idiom 

C repetition 

D personification

What is an Idiom


How did Kate feel about Molloy?

What is appreciative and real. 


GRANDMA: It’s not that we don’t like Crow. In fact, it’s nice to see a bit of nature in Crickshaw.

GRANDPA: It’s just that we’re much too busy to play with him. (They sit silently, twirling their thumbs.)

What do the stage directions in these lines suggest about the grandparents? 

A Their actions do not match their words. 

B They enjoy spending quiet time together. 

C They do not have time to spend with Crow. 

D Their opinions about Crow have improved.

What is "their actions do not match their words"


The shoelace is untied.

The prefix "un-". What is the meaning of "untied".

What is "not tied"


What does the term "setting" refer to in a story?

A) The main character's thoughts.
B) The time and place where the story occurs.
C) The events that take place.
D) The conflict the characters face.

What is the time and place where the story occurs.


The light this time of evening is truly glorious. The way it lands on the hillsides and the wheat fields—my entire kingdom might be made of gold. But that old mill! It is a cracker crumb on a fine, fluffy mattress. It is a chorus boy singing off key.

What does King Frederick suggest about the mill in these sentences?

A The mill ruins an otherwise beautiful view.

B The mill is loud in an otherwise quiet area of land.

C The mill is not as comfortable as other places in the land.

D The mill does not make as much money as other businesses.

What is "the mill ruins an otherwise beautiful view"


 Mia is nervous about her first day at a new school. The story is told from Mia's point of view. Which of the following sentences shows Mia's perspective?

A) The school was very big and filled with kids.

B) Mia felt her stomach twist with nerves as she walked through the school doors.

C) The principal welcomed everyone to the assembly.

D) The cafeteria served pizza for lunch.

What is "Mia felt her stomach twist with nerves as she walked through the school doors.


Read these stage directions from Scene 2. 

(CROW comes back onstage, sadder than before. His wings are dragging. He pulls out his to-do list.) 

How do the stage directions help show Crow’s feelings? Support your answer with details and examples from the play

Teacher Discretion
