Every child receiving EI services will have this document as part of their record. Name and describe.
What is an IFSP?
Document that includes the individual needs, concerns, and priorities of the child receiving services and their families.
This is the developmental progression of 3 prewriting strokes & shapes
Vertical (age 2 imitates)
Horizontal (age 2.5 imitates)
Circle (age 2.5 imitates)
Cross (age 3.5 imitates)
Square (age 4- 4.5 imitates)
List 3 essential components of an OT Evaluation of an infant in the NICU (things you would want to evaluate)
What are:
ability to regulate state of arousal, ability to tolerate handling, positioning, feeding, sensory responsiveness, parent/child bonding or psychosocial needs of infant/parent dyad, assessment of muscle tone and reflexes, AROM/PROM and cranium shape
Neurological, Behavioral, Stress
This specific cognitive approach aims to change a faulty or delayed thought process
What is cognitive behavioral therapy?
School-based services for children 5 through 21 are provided under this law?
What is IDEA Part B?
What are 2 appropriate strategies to promote self-feeding in a child with low vision?
Set the table with everything in consistent location on placemat.
Contrasting colors to improve visual discrimination
Early intervention services are provided under this law.
When working with a child who is having difficulty maintaining attention during handwriting, you may employ these 2 cognitive strategies:
Black mat under worksheet to increase visual attention to work
Reorganizing worksheets
Covering parts of the page to reduce competing sensory input—
Using headphones to block out auditory distractions
Taking timeouts from a task
Self-monitoring own distraction
Parents often feed overwhelmed when their pre-term infant is in the NICU and not know how to interact. While the specific intervention will vary between neonates, name at least 1 interventions to consider to promote parent involvement:
Encourage parents to talk to baby
Educate parent on calming strategies
Infant massage
Kangaroo care
All treatment sessions with family present and encourage hands-on involvement when appropriate
This cognitive approach uses a top down model to encourage the child to explore their approaches to occupations, make a plan for their performance, and self-check their work after the task is performed.
Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP)
Association: Goal-Plan-Do-Check
This written document is created for every child who qualifies for special education services, and is agreed upon by a team including child if age-appropriate, parents/guardian, special education teacher, general ed teacher, specialists. Name the document and indicate how often it is evaluated.
What is an IEP? Evaluated at least once/year.
Food allergies?
Referral to Gastrointerologist?
How long are mealtimes?
Per pediatrician, how is growth and development?
Describe food refusal behaviors and when they occur specifically.
What is family-centered care?
Recognize the parent as the expert and truly value the parent/caregiver as a partner, integrate family members into treatment, follow family schedule, provide in family's preferred natural context.
Name at least 3 specific factors that should be evaluated when determining handwriting readiness.
UE strength
Wrist and hand development (wrist extension, developed arches, radial ulnar separation)
Visual control
Bilateral integration
Spatial relations
What are the 2 primary objectives of OT in pediatric hospital setting?
Preventing secondary disabilities, & restoring function or compensating for loss of function to improve ADLs
At least 3 factors that may facilitate a child generalizing learned knowledge.
Tasks learned best in natural context, and in a variety of contexts (multicontext approach)
Client's level of motivation
Direct exposure to the task (vs a contrived task)
Learner's metacognition
Scaffolding - or learning with feedback to support each stage of skill development
At least 2 evidence-based best practices in transition service delivery
1. Early paid work experience (during high school)
2. Student involvement in transition planning
3. Emphasis on student social competence
4. Development of life skills
5. Use of assistive technology
6. Collaborative interdisciplinary and interagency teamwork
You are seeing a 9 year old child who is struggling with incontinence at school. She is fearful of using a public toilet and so limits her water intake. She has recurrent UTIs. Name 2 appropriate intervention approaches.
Education: Dehydration makes pee yellow, which bothers bladder and leads to accidents. Drink more water.
CBT to change thoughts about public toilets.
CO-OP to use cognitive strategy for interoception self-check - feel if bladder is full.
Letters should be taught in this order
Capitals first, like letters together (not A-Z).
Example: FEDPBR
Within cognitive approach: In this type of analysis, the therapist assesses the performance in context, evaluating the interaction between person, environment, and occupation. The therapist finds the breakdowns that impede performance, but focus is on occupation, not on remediating the component skills. Therapist suggests cognitive strategies to bridge the gap across the missing skills (often with a verbal phrase).
Name the type of analysis, and model it is specific to.
What is dynamic performance analysis (DPA) within the CO-OP model.
The primary objective for transition services
What is "real world" preparation, which may include: training in daily life skills; preparation for: secondary education, vocational training, adult education, independent living, community engagement, or integrated or supported employment
You are seeing a child with tactile hypersensitivity. What are 2 top-down interventions to use DURING mealtime to improve performance?
Offer utensil with smooth handle
Divided plate so textures don't mix
Offer napkin or wet wipe during meals to reduce discomfort if they become messy.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act mandates that school services must be provided in the LRE. Describe this.
What is least restrictive environment? The student should be educated with non-disabled peers in typical classroom to the maximum extent possible. Only should be in separate classroom or school only if disability so severe than appropriate education cannot be met (with supports) in typical classroom.
Name this intervention strategy, effective for training ADL performance, in which as the child progressively does more and more of the task with each step of the task, and the OT does a bit less, until eventually, the child performs all aspects of task independently.