Jackie Robinson
Verb Tense
Context Clues
Key Details

What team did Jackie Robinson end up playing for in the MLB?

Brooklyn Dodgers


Which BEST competes the sentence? 

Right now I ______________ my dance routine.

A. am practicing

B. was practicing

C. am practiced

D. had practicing

A. am practicing


Complete the sentence with the correct pair of correlative conjunctions. 

___________ you ______ your sister may attend the movie. You are both grounded for the weekend. 

A. Whether/nor

B. Both/and

C. Neither/nor

D. Either/or

C. Neither/nor


Even though she’d read her supervisor’s memo four or five times, she still found his rambling message ambiguous. 

a. Profound 

b. Inspiring 

c. ridiculous 

d. Unclear

d. Unclear


Hurricanes are large, intense storms that begin over the ocean, where they gather heat and energy from the water. Hurricanes move slowly toward land, usually moving 10-20 miles per hour for more than one week. The most dangerous part of the hurricane is the storm surge, when it reaches land and causes flooding. Wind and waves also contribute to the damage caused by these surges. 

What is the main idea of this passage? 

a. Hurricanes form over the ocean 

b. Hurricanes are dangerous storms 

c. Storm surges are caused by hurricanes 

What is one key detail that supports the main idea? 

a. The most dangerous part of a hurricane is a storm surge 

b. Hurricanes move slowly toward land 

c. Hurricanes are large storms

B ; A

Besides being a great baseball player, why is Jackie Robinson so influential as a social change leader?

He broke the color barrier in baseball.


I ___________________ many of the art museums. (visit) future perfect 

a. had visited

b. have visited 

c. has visited 

d. will have visited

D. will have visited


Kathleen recently moved to Seattle, ______ she hates the rain. 

A. yet 

B. or 

C. nor 

D. since  

A. yet


The valiant young woman grabbed the little boy just in time to save him from the speeding car. The word valiant means: 

a. clever 

b. angry 

c. brave 

d. silly

c. brave


Did you know that giraffes are the tallest animals in the world? They are unique in other ways, too. For one thing, they sleep only about 20 minutes each day, and usually not more than five minutes at a time. (They have to remain alert for predators.) Also, every giraffe’s coat is unique, and varies in color from white to nearly black, depending on what they eat and where they live. 

What is the main idea of the passage? 

a. Giraffes are unique animals 

b. They are the tallest animals in the world 

c. Giraffes are different colors 

What is one key detail that supports the main idea? a. Giraffes have to remain alert for predators 

b. Giraffes only sleep about 20 minutes a day 

c. Giraffes live in different parts of the world

A ; B


Who is the author of our book? What is her relationship to Jackie? What is his wife's name?

Sharon Robinson - daughter

Rachel Robinson


I saw paintings that I __________________ about in art class. (learn) past perfect 

a. had learned 

b. has learned 

c. have learned 

d. will have learned

a. had learned


Our class went on a trip to the botanical gardens, but I was too sick to go. What is but doing in this sentence? 

A. Saying "because" or "since" 

B. Expressing an exception 

C. Showing the consequences of something

B. Expressing an exception


Obnoxious behavior in a movie theater - for instance, burping, loud taking, or playing around - is considered childish by most people. 

a. Very unpleasant 

b. Acceptable 

c. Funny 

d. Smart

A. Very unpleasant


If you are feeling sad, you can make yourself feel better by doing a few simple things. You can take a walk (or get another form of exercise), you can talk to a friend, or you can write down your feelings. Writing down the good things in your life will help too. Doing something good for someone else will also help you feel better. If you still feel a little sad, act happy. It works like magic to make you feel better! 

What is the main idea of this passage? 

a. Exercise can help you feel better 

b. Pretend to be happy 

c. There are many ways to make yourself feel better 

What is one key detail that supports the main idea? 

a. Simple things can make you feel better 

b. Talking to a friend is a good way to make yourself feel better 

c. It is okay to be sad

C ; B


What do you think was Jackie's best quality that helped him succeed in becoming a social change leader? Cite examples from the text.

Answers will vary.


The birds have flown south to stay warmer throughout the winter. 

a. past perfect 

b. future perfect 

c. present perfect

C. present perfect

Use correlative conjunctions to correctly connect the following sentences.

You need to retake the test. Samantha needs to retake the test. 

Both you and Samantha need to retake the test.


The tired bird flew everywhere, looking for a place to land. It was exhausted from flying all night through a violent storm. The bird had to fight strong winds and heavy rain. Finally, the bird spied a branch to perch upon in the distance. The branch was shady with many leaves shading it from the sun. It was the perfect place to regain the strength the bird had lost the night before. 

In the second paragraph, what does the word perch mean? 

A. to fear B. to rest C. to thirst D. to panic

B. to rest


Wilbur and Orville Wright were brothers who were inventors, even from a young age when they built kites and bicycles. Many people credit the Wright Brothers with designing and building the first successful airplane. In 1903, their first flight only lasted 12 seconds, but it continues to inspire people all over the world to learn about science and math, to work hard to realize their dreams, and to use imagination to achieve success. The main idea of this passage is: 

A. The Wright Brothers worked hard. 

B. The Wright Brothers were inventors who have inspired many people. 

C. Inventors build kites and bicycles. 

D. The first flight was in 1903.

B. The Wright Brothers were inventors who have inspired many people. 


Who were some of the people influential in Jackie's success? How did they help him? Give at least 3.

Answers will vary.


Correct the following sentence: 

I visit my cousins every summer and ate the ice cream when I am there. 

He used to know someone by the name, but now he doesn't knew them anymore. 




Use correlative conjunctions to correctly connect the following sentences.

Carol was late for school. Carol forgot her homework in her mom's car.

Not only was Carol late for school, but she also forgot her homework in her mom's car.


The intermittent rain soaked the garden many different times during the day. 

a. protracted 

b. periodic 

c. incredulous 

d. Light

b. periodic


Bright-colored birds fly through the air. Monkeys leap from tree to tree. Jaguars creep on the ground below. Those are just a few of the thousands of animals that live in the Amazon rain forest. The Amazon in South America is the largest tropical rain forest in the world. A tropical rain forest is a thick forest in a warm region with heavy rainfall. People are destroying the Amazon. Each year, farmers and loggers cut down rain forest trees to make room for farms, homes, and roads. Scientists have recently discovered that the Amazon is shrinking twice as quickly as they once thought. The Amazon rain forest is one of the richest areas of the world in animal and plant diversity, or variety. Many of the foods, spices, and medicines people need come from the Amazon. The Amazon rain forest also helps recycle Earth’s air. The trees give off oxygen for people to breathe. Trees also clean the air by taking in carbon dioxide. Too much carbon dioxide in the air is harmful to humans. Stopping people from destroying the rain forest is not an easy task. "Almost 2 million people make the forest their home," scientist Jim Bowyer told Weekly Reader. "All these people need land for farming and wood for heat and cooking. They are looking for a way to survive. Solutions need to involve the very people who destroy the forest." 

What is the main idea of “Trouble in The Amazon”? 

A. The Amazon in South America is the largest tropical rain forest in the world. 

B. The Amazon rain forest is important, but it is being destroyed. 

C. There are thousands of animals that live in the Amazon rain forest. 

What is a key detail from Paragraph 2 that supports your choice in Question 1? 

A. Each year, farmers and loggers cut down rain forest trees to make room for farms, homes, and roads. 

B. The Amazon rain forest is one of the richest areas of the world in animal and plant diversity, or variety. 

C. Many of the foods, spices, and medicines people need come from the Amazon. 

D. Scientists have recently discovered that the Amazon is shrinking twice as quickly as they once thought.

B ; A
