Around what river did the ancient Egyptian empire and the Kushite empire develop?
The Nile
What was the first capital of a unified Egypt?
Why was the New Kingdom powerful?
Economic trading with neighbors and conquest.
Who built the Great pyramids? New, Middle, or Old Kingdom?
Old Kingdom
What happened first, Kush became an empire or Egypt conquered Kush?
Kush became an empire
How did Egypt's location affect its development?
The desert protected Egypt from invasions.
What type of government did ancient Egypt have?
What was a perk or privilege of being a scribe?
Did not have to pay taxes.
What was the ancient Egyptian name for Egypt?
What was the first capital city of Kush?
What is a cataract?
A series of rapids in a river.
Describe the ancient Egyptian religion.
Polytheistic: Egyptians worshiped many gods who often took the form of animals.
Why was it hard for modern scholars to understand Hieroglyphics?
Hieroglyphics are unlike modern forms of writing.
What languages were written on the Rosetta Stone?
Hieroglyphics, Egyptian, and Greek.
Where was Kush originally located?
South of upper Egypt in Nubia.
Upper Egypt is North or South of Lower Egypt?
South. The Nile flows the South towards the North.
Who got the Great Pryamids?
3 pharaohs
What was the largest temple in ancient Egypt?
Temple of Karnak
What artwork has been found in Egyptian tombs?
gold jewelry, paintings, statues, colored scenes of Egyptian life.
What was the Kushite written language called?
Meroitic. We can not read or understand this written language at this time.
When the Nile flooded each fall, what did the river deposit that improved the soil's fertility?
Why did the Old Kingdom end?
The pharaohs lost political control over Egypt. Upper and lower Egypt was not unified.
What is one quality of ancient Egyptian artwork?
Subjects often included animals and other wildlife found along the Nile River.
What was the written language on the Rosetta Stone that helped scholars understand the other two languages?
Ancient Greek. This language was known to scholars and help them translate ancient Hieroglyphics.
Kush was taken over by?