What is the Emotional S.O.S Scale for? What do the numbers indicate?
To rate our emotions on a scale of 1-10. 1-3 indicating mild level of stress, 4-6 indicating moderate level of stress, 7-10 indicating extreme level of stress.
What does the simple hand model we discussed represent? Give an example
the brain when you "flip your lid"
What influences how we feel?
Our beliefs
What is a Killer Bee? Give an example.
"Bees" stands for beliefs that can lead to strong, negative feelings and outcomes. Such as can't, hate, nothing, always, never, must, should, everyone, etc.
What is peaceful scene visualization? When do you use it?
Creating a scene in your mind that brings peace and relaxation. Using this when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
List 5 examples of bodily sensations
sweaty palms, heart racing, flushed face, tight fists, clenched jaw, etc.
What are the two types of triggers listed in the module? Describe them.
External- stimulation from the outside world
Internal- body cues, sensations, feelings and mind-self talk, beliefs, etc.
Whose diary did we read to help navigate how her beliefs influence feelings?
Who's story did we read to discuss harmful self-talk?
What were the names of the 3 girls we did storyboards on?
Selma, Savanna, Brittany
True or False: Some people who struggle to deal with their emotions actually end up with health related problems; heart attacks, stress, anxiety, depression, etc.
What are the two ways listed in the module that we can prevent triggering our emotional S.O.S? Why are they helpful?
Listen to your body & become aware of external triggers
What shapes our harmful self-talk?
Harmful self-talk is shaped over time though experiences with our families, friends, and others.
How do we take the sting out of your bees?
Change harmful self-talk
What are the three things included in the emotions story boards?
1. Situation- External trigger
2. Feeling
3. Beliefs and Self-Talk
Why is it important to become aware of our bodies and the signals it sends us?
If you are aware of what is going on in your body, then those sensations that you feel become a signal. If we listen closely to our bodies, the signals we receive can act like an "instant messenger" and help us know what to do.
What does it mean when our brain "goes offline"?
When the brain goes from thinking mode to survival mode aka fight, flight, or freeze. It can be really hard for us to think clearly and get things under control. Until we can calm ourselves, the thinking brain stays offline.
Complete the Statements:
Wanda the _____
Catrina the _____
Patti the _____
Vivian the _____
Dora the _____
Wanda the Worrier
Catrina the Critic
Pattie the Pleaser
Vivian the Victim
Dora the Demander
Explain passive muscle relaxation.
slowly gaining and releasing pressure from your muscles to induce relaxation.
List the 5 relaxation activities practiced in the module.
1. Emotional S.O.S
2.Bringing the Outside In
3. Abdominal Breathing
4.Passive Muscle Relaxation
5. Peaceful Scene Visualization
What are the 6 core feelings?
Happy, Angry, Sad, Love, Fear, Guilt
We practiced a technique called 'Bringing the Outside In'. What is it?
This activity was designed to increase your awareness of things going on in the outside world (external triggers) and how your body responds to the things around you. Utilize sentences beginning with "I am aware of..."
Give an example of interrupting and replacing harmful self-talk?
example: "I don't know where Ana is but the situation is out of my control. There is no point in getting worried. Whatever happens, happens."
example: "I wish Ana would be on time. It bothers me when she doesn't follow through with her promises, but getting angry isn't going to help the situation."
What are the 5 skill steps for Changing Harmful Self-Talk?
1. What is your harmful self-talk?
2. Acknowledge the feelings
3. Make the decision to change the feeling
4. Challenge the harmful self-talk
5. Replace the harmful belief
What are 3 of the 6 six steps discussed when managing my emotions?
1. Situation- External Trigger
2. Use Calming Techniques
3. Identify Killer-Bees- Harmful self-talk
4.Change Harmful Self-talk
5. Other strategies to resolve the situation
6. Reinforce Successes