

a general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision.


What were the two referendums on sovereignty in Quebec?




How would you describe the economic situation in the 1980s?

Quebec was in a recession.


Bill 101

Made French the only language to be used on signs.

Quebec Clause for Education


How would you describe the demographic changes in the 1980s?

The 1980s, baby boomers have now reached adulthood. The phenomenon of declining birth rates, which had already started in the 1960s and 1970s, continued in the following decades. Low fertility rate, which is below 2.1, which is the population renewal threshold.


Single-industry towns

The majority of jobs available in the town were related to one single activity, often in the forestry and mining industries. These cities are considered to be in a state of devitalization and tend to have a fragile economy.


What was the 1980 referendum? What was the Result?

The 1980 Quebec independence referendum was the first referendum in Quebec on the place of Quebec within Canada and whether Quebec should pursue a path toward sovereignty. The referendum was called by Quebec's Parti Québécois government, which advocated secession from Canada

It was not successful. 59% No


How did globalization impact the Quebec economy?  

In the 2000s, large Quebec companies have become important economic players both on the national and international levels.

In the 2010s, certain Quebec companies, were bought by foreign companies.


Bill 86

which modified the Charter of the French Language to allow the use of languages other than French on outdoor public signs in Quebec, as long as French is predominant.


How did Quebec Counter act the low population growth?

Baby bonuses and the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (RQAP) 

Increasing Immigration


Free Trade Agreements

FTAs are treaties between two or more countries designed to reduce or eliminate certain barriers to trade and investment, and to facilitate stronger trade and commercial ties between participating countries.


What was the 1995 referendum? What was the Result?

The 1995 Quebec referendum was the second referendum to ask voters in the predominantly French-speaking Canadian province of Quebec whether Quebec should proclaim sovereignty and become an independent country, with the condition precedent of offering a political and economic agreement to Canada.

It was not successful. No 50.58%


What is the connection between neoliberalism and the role of the state in confronting the economic challenges of the 1980s?

In Quebec, to return to a balanced budget, the government made major cuts, notably in areas of health and education, the two main sources of government spending. 


What was Bill 178?

Made French to only language on outdoor signs.

But allowed another manage for indoor signs, as long as French was predominate. 


What was the Oka Crisis?

The Oka Crisis, also known as the Kanehsatà:ke Resistance, was a land dispute between a group of Mohawk people and the town of Oka, Quebec, Canada, which began on July 11, 1990, and lasted 78 days until September 26, with two fatalities.


Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) was created through a legal settlement between Residential Schools Survivors, the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit representatives and the parties responsible for creation and operation of the schools: the federal government and the church bodies.

The TRC’s mandate was to inform all Canadians about what happened in residential schools. The TRC documented the truth of Survivors, their families, communities and anyone personally affected by the residential school experience. This included First Nations, Inuit and Métis former residential school students, their families, communities, the churches, former school employees, government officials and other Canadians.


What were the Meech Lake Accord and Charlottetown Accord?

Both were constitutional negotiations to try and get Quebec to sign the Constitution.

Meech Lake in 1984 & Charlottetown in 1990.

Both failed to have Quebec sign the constitution.


How did the government encourage and fiance certain sectors during this period?

They invested in the export sector


What is a similarity and difference between bill 101 and 86?

Both were used to protect the French language.

In Bill 86, languages other than French could be used. 


What were the key issues that led to the Oka Crisis?

The crisis was sparked by the proposed expansion of a golf course and the development of townhouses on disputed land in Kanesatake that included a Kanyen'kehà:ka burial ground. Tensions were high, particularly after the death of Corporal Marcel Lemay, a Sûreté du Québec police officer.


Civil Unions

a legally recognized union with rights similar to those of marriage, created originally for same-sexcouples in jurisdictions where they were not legally allowed to marry.


What were the five minimum conditions set by Quebec in the Meech Lake Accord?

Recognition that Quebec is a Distinct Society

Right of veto on future constitutional changes

Power over Immigration in Quebec

Quebec's right to deny federal programs that interfere with provincial jurisdiction

Guarantee of three judges from Quebec in the Supreme Court


What are the three primary export markets for Quebec? 

1. United States

2. China

3. Mexico 


What Crown Corporations were created in Quebec with the made to affirm Quebec’s cultural identity?

Radio-Canada and Radio-Quebec (now Télé-Québec)

Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec

Media Fund and the Quebecor Fund 


What four solutions from 1980 to now were implemented to fight the climate crisis?

Montreal Protocol, 1985. Aims to regulate, reduce, and eliminate the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs

Quebec Action Plan on Climate Change, 2000. Goal was to improve the reduction of GHG emissions through various actions in health, public safety, energy, transportation, etc.

Kyoto Accord, 1997/2005. Commits that the members reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Paris Agreement, 2006. Framework to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to below 2 degrees celsius and prepare countries to deal with global warming impacts ($)
