felt angry or upset and refused to talk about it
a person who lives and dies
to make something safe by guarding or protecting it
acting in a way that is not scared; showing bravery
stiff and does not bend easily
not strong, loud, intense; CALM
figured out a way to achieve a plan
gave up and agreed that the other side won
feelings of trust in something, someone, or yourself
stylish and graceful
What would make a person feel intimidated?
Answers will vary
(Consider correct if example includes:
-feeling afraid of someone or something
-EX: a scary situation/ event, a monster, villian, etc.)
Name an activity that is strenuous.
Answers will vary
(Consider correct if example includes:
-an activity that takes great effort or a lot of energy
-EX: lifting weights, running a marathon, Gym class, etc.)
Why would someone be furious?
Answers will vary
(Consider correct if example includes:
-being extremely angry
-EX: betrayed, disobeyed, someone broke their favorite toy, etc.)
when someone frowned or showed a look of anger on their face
an event or period of time that is important in some way
If our classroom is disheveled, how does it look?
Answers will vary
(Consider correct if example includes:
-not neat or tidy; MESSY
-EX: papers everywhere, dirt on floor, flexible seating not put away, etc.)
How would someone that is timid behave?
Answers will vary
(Consider correct if example includes:
-someone who is shy and may lack courage or confidence
-EX: not speaking/ being quiet, hiding behind someone else, never participating or sharing their answers, etc.)
What is something that would be done occasionally?
Answers will vary
(Consider correct if example includes:
-something that happens once in a while
-EX: going on a field trip/ vacation, attending a sports game/ concert, visiting the doctor/ dentist, etc.)
a long journey that is exciting and eventful
disobeying rules and fighting authority to change a political system
The cryptic message left by the mysterious stranger filled me with a sense of __________ about what was to come.
(suggesting that something bad is about to happen)
Regardless of our beliefs, __________ serves as a constant reminder of the inevitable journey awaiting us all.
(what will eventually happen in someone's life)
A __________ rules with an iron fist, suppressing dissent and instilling fear among the population.
(a powerful person who rules others in a cruel and unreasonable way)
feeling very worried and upset
bold, energetic, and determined