Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4

This subatomic particle is responsible for the flow of electricity as it is set in motion.

What is the negative electron?

Remember, the proton is positive and the neutron is neutral.


Gravity is an attractive force caused by this characteristic in an object.

What is mass?


This is the pushing or pulling action of electrically charged objects.

What is electric force?

Remember, magnetic force is just the pushing or pulling action of magnetically charged objects. The type of force pertains to the type of force exhibited. 


This is a circuit where all components are connected on 1 path.

What is a series circuit?

Remember, a parallel circuit will have multiple branches, or paths, with components connected to it.


This is the primary mover in a generator.

What is a magnet?

Remember, the coil of wire moves in a motor between two fixed magnets.  This is the process of induction. 


Gravity, electricity, and magnetism are all this type of force.

What are distance forces? 



This quantity represents the amount of matter in an object.

What is the mass?

Remember, mass and weight are different quantities. Mass will never change regardless of its location in the universe. 


Force and distance are related this way.

What is directly proportional?

Remember, the closer that two charged objects are to each other in proximity, the stronger their respective force will be. 


This many volts are required in an outlet to power a clothes washer.

What is 240 volts?

Remember, outlets to power smaller electronics only require 120v. When we think about a house being on a parallel circuit system, this allows us to charge our phones, watch TV, and run a load of laundry at the same time. 


This circuit generally produces a direct current.

What is a series circuit?

Remember, if the voltage source of a circuit is a regular battery (AA, AAA, etc), it will generally produce a direct current that travels in only 1 direction.


The equation (I=v/r) finds this circuit quantity. 

What is current? (l'intensité du courant)

Review the formulas and units from slide 18 in Lesson 3!


This is the tendency of a falling object to return to the Earth's surface. 

What is gravity?

Remember, the acceleration due to gravity constant is 9.8 m/s/s. The gravitational force constant is 9.8 N/KG. Review these constants and units related to them. 


This is naturally occurring magnetic material used in permanent magnets.

What is magnetite?

Remember, magnetite comes from lodestone and ferrite is a synthetic magnetic material invented in Japan in 1930. 


This is an example of what circuit symbol?

What is a buzzer?

Study your circuit symbols chart on slide 11 of Module 5 Lesson 4. Know how to draw series and parallel circuits, see me if you need clarification. 


This is the person credited with proving the concept of electromagnetism.

Who is Michael Faraday?

Know how to draw Faraday's motor as well as its components.


This is the term for when a magnet spins around wires without a voltage source causing the negative electrons to move in the wire by flipping the poles of the magnet causing the like poles to repel and the unlike poles to attract.

What is the process of induction? 

Remember, electricity and magnetism follow the same concept of "opposites attract and like-poles repel" so the movement of the of the magnet causes the movement of your subatomic particles.



This is which of Newton's Laws? 

If air resistance is ignored, the acceleration of a falling object is equal to the ratio of the force of gravity to mass.

What is the 2nd law? 

1st Law. The velocity of a falling object isn’t constant because Earth’s gravity exerts a force on it.

3rd Law. I pull on the Earth because Earth pulls on me. Gravity is an interaction


This is the geographic location of Earth's magnetic south pole.

What is the geographic north pole?

Remember, Earth's magnet is flipped, so magnetic north is geographic south and magnetic south is geographic north. 


We describe an electromagnet's generation of electromagnetic force this way. 

What is temporary?

Remember, this is what makes the electromagnet useful as the current can be turned on and off turning the magnetic force on and off.


Motion energy is input to create electrical energy in this electromagnetic device.

What is a generator?

Remember, electrical energy to motion energy is the energy transformation direction of a motor.


Radiation generally travels in this form.

What are waves?

Remember, waves possess energy but no mass which allows them to travel through a variety of mediums without that energy being drained or lost. 


This is the theory devised in 1915 of "space-time causes gravity", defined also as the notion that space curves around celestial bodies causing the visual timing of an event to be perceived based on their speed.

What is Einstein's General Relativity Theory (1915)?

Basically, the best way that I can summarize this is what we believe a long period of time (i.e millions of years) could be a blink of an eye for someone traveling in a high speed rocket or using advanced physics to travel as fast or faster than the speed of light. Everything that you see is relative, as somebody else may have or may never see the same thing.


List 1 naturally magnetic elemental metal.

Iron, nickel, or cobalt 

Steel is a composite material; the iron in steel is magnetic.


This type of circuit still functions if a component fails.

What is a parallel circuit?

Remember, a series circuit will fail because the current will not be able to travel through the entire path of the circuit. A parallel circuit will function because there is still a connected path. 



45 Seconds. Explain the concept of how society knows that electric and magnetic force fields are two different aspects of a single electromagnetic force.

Best answer. Electricity and magnetism follow their own sets of conditions and laws to make these two forces different even though they operate similarly. When components that generate both types of distance forces are present within the same system, the two forces can come together to generate electromagnetic force.
