Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4

Lightning is made of this mythical 4th state of matter.

What is plasma?


This celestial body keeps Earth in orbit due to its gravitational pull.

What is the sun?

Remember, the gravitational pull of the moon controls the ocean tides on Earth.


This is the charge of most objects.

What is neutral?

Remember, most objects have no charge. The same charges repel each other while opposite charges attract.


Light travels in these.

What are waves?


This current travels in multiple directions.

What is an alternating current?

Remember, the generator located in a car or truck is called an "alternator" and produces an alternating current allowing someone to run the lights, play the radio, and operate the windshield wipers at the same time.


This is a space or area that energy is allowed to travel through without being fully lost.

What is a medium?


This is any object traveling through the air where the only force acting upon it is gravity.

What is a projectile? 

Remember, gravity acts to drag the projectile back down to the surface and stop its motion.


The aurora borealis is caused by what celestial body?

What is the sun?

Remember, the solar winds cause the phenomenon near Earth's magnetic poles as this is where the magnetosphere curves. 


Resistance is measured in this unit.

What are Ohms?

Remember, current is measured in amps and voltage is measured in volts. 


This is the network of transmission lines, controls, and power plants that generate electricity for an area.

What is the electrical grid?


This type of circuit representation allows current to flow, meaning that it is "on".

What is a closed circuit?

Remember, it does not matter if your circuit is parallel or series, if it is functional, it is deemed closed where energy cannot be lost. "Off" circuits are deemed open as energy is lost when electrons cannot travel the entire path of the circuit.



This is the quantity of newtons equal to 1-pound.

What is roughly 4.45 newtons?


This depiction of a force field uses lines based on density to describe the overall strength of a charged object.

What is a force field diagram?

Remember, the more dense (closer together) that your lines are on a diagram, the stronger that the force is in that location.


This is the path in a circuit.

What are the wires?


Electromagnetic radiation possesses this but does not possess mass.

What is energy?


This is the primary mover of a motor.

What is the coil of wire?


This scientist determined that acceleration due to gravity is independent of an object's mass.

Who is Galileo?

Remember, acceleration due to gravity is the technical definition for increasing 9.8m/s2


This is a magnet that has fixed north and south poles.

What is a permanent magnet?

Remember, these are any object that has the sole purpose of being a magnet. 


Voltage and current are described as this.

What is directly proportional?

Remember, this means that as one quantity increases, the other increases at an equal rate. To be inversely proportional means that as one quantity increases, the other decreases at an equal rate.


This is the concept of setting one type of forcefield in motion to generate the opposite type.

What is electromagnetism?


Stuck, charged ions interact with these two elements to produce the blue and green colors of the auroras.

What is oxygen (green) and nitrogen (blue)?


This Newton Law states that gravity is an interaction and can be described as "I pull on the Earth and the Earth pulls on me".

What is the 3rd Law? 

Remember, to review your Newton laws in the PowerPoint.


These two magnetic metals are found in Earth's core.

What is iron and nickel?


This is produced in all energy transfers and transformations. This can be described as an indicator of energy movement.

What is heat?

Remember, heat itself is not energy.


These are the two different aspects that can work together and generate a single electromagnetic force.

What are the forces of electricity and magnetism?
