Respect for Yourself
Respect for Others
Disrespectful Behaviors
Teenage Bullying
Effects of Bullying

What is the definition of respect?

The due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.

Giving and receiving respect is important because it helps us to feel safe and express ourselves.


What is the definition of tolerance?

The ability to accept others’ differences.

People who are tolerant value diversity. They can appreciate the differences in other people's cultures, interests, beliefs, and perspectives.


What is the definition of bullying?

To deliberately harm or threaten another person who cannot easily defend themselves.


Who can be bullied?



When a teen is bullied are they the only person affected?

No, everyone involved with bullying is affected. This includes the bully, the person bullied, and those who witness the bullying.


What are values?

Values are your beliefs, ideas, and attitudes about what is important to you.

During your teen years, you may be searching for your personal identity and sense of who you are, and where you belong.


What are stereotypes?

Stereotypes are exaggerated or over-simplified beliefs about people who belong to a certain group.

Groups are often stereotyped based on gender, race, nationality, age, and language.


What is hazing?

Hazing means making others perform certain tasks to join a group.

Hazing activities can be physically or emotionally harmful. Examples of hazing can include making new group members go without sleep, physically beating them, and/or forcing them to drink alcohol.


Why might some teens become bullies?

Teens may become bullies in order to...

- fit into a group

- feel superior

- avoid being bullied by others

Bullies often target other teens to meet an unmet need. Some are angry because of a problem present in their lives, and hurting others makes them feel as if they have some control over their lives.


What negative effects might a person being bullied experience?

Teens who are bullied may...

- feel fearful, helpless, and or depressed

- have a low self-esteem

- skip school

- have a change in sleep patterns

-commit self-harm


Having self-respect is an important part of what two parts of health?

Having self-respect is an important part of your mental and emotional health.

When you respect yourself, you're more likely to seek relationships with others who treat you with respect. You're also less likely to let other people talk you into taking risks that could harm your health.

How can you be a good listener?

You can be a good listener by being willing to hear and consider other people's points of view, even if you disagree with them.

How can people be bullied?

People can be bullied online or face-to-face.



What are the most common reasons for teens to get bullied?

The most common reasons for bullying are...

- being different

- having a low self-esteem

- having few friends/not being part of a clique


What negative effects may the person bullying experience?

A bully may...

- suffer from a low-self esteem

- drop out of school

- become violent

- use illegal substances


Why is having values important in your relationships?

Without values, it is harder to openly communicate to others.

If the people around you don't know what is important to you, you may be more likely to face pressure to take part in unhealthful behaviors.


How is mutual trust developed?

Mutual trust can be developed by...

- Letting others know they can trust you by being honest and dependable.

- Show that you trust them by believing what they say and being willing to confide in them.


What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is the use of online tools to harass, threaten, or spread rumors to or about others. This type of bullying allows a person to bully another without ever seeing them in person.


What is a bullying cycle?

A bullying cycle is what happens when a teen who has been bullied starts to bully others so that he or she won't be bullied anymore.

Many bullies have been bullied by others. They may bully as a way to keep from being bullied themselves. This negative cycle will continue until someone breaks the cycle by refusing to bully others.


How might a witness of bullying be negatively affected?

Watching someone else be bullied may remind someone of a time when they were bullied. Even if that teen isn't involved in bullying they might...

- have an increased use of tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs

- have more mental health problems

- miss or skip school


What does it mean to have a personal identity?

To have a personal identity means to have your own ideas, feelings, values, beliefs, and goals.

During your teen years, you may be searching for your personal identity; your sense of who you are, and where you belong in the world.


What does it mean to have realistic expectations?

Having realistic expectations involves setting standards, but being honest about what you can accomplish in a specific timeframe.

For example, you can't expect friends and family members to always make you their top priority.

What is the point of hazing?

Hazing is meant to humiliate new members of a group to prove how they are inferior to existing members of the group.


Why is bullying common in teen years?

Teen years are when people want to fit into a group. To fit into a group, most teens think that they have to share the same likes and dislikes as other teens. People start to be uncomfortable with differences, and that is when bullying starts.


How can you prevent yourself from being a bully?

You can...

- Think before you say or do something that could hurt someone

- Remember that everyone is different
