What is a quality of a trickster tale?
A character in the story is tricked into something by another character
Remotely- controlled from a distance
Reread paragraph 8 on page 104. What do the men's actions tell you about them? Explain.
They are greedy and dishonest because they were going to trick the old woman.
Determine the meaning of the following adage as it's used in the sentence: "Should I bring my first aid kit to the park?" Tom asked Joan. "Yes, I think so. Better safe than sorry!"What is the meaning of the italicized phrase.
It's better to be cautious/careful than leaving things up to chance.
What is a characteristic of a tall tale?
Larger than life main character / Exaggerated Descriptions / Humor
The flame in the grotto in Chestnut Ridge is considered to be eternal.
eternal- has no end and lasts forever
The old woman is a trickster because she wraps up an adobe brick inside a shirt in place of the ham and puts it in the man's bag. She also allowed them to think she was being tricked when she instead tricked them!
On page 85 what example of figurative language does the author use? What does it tell us about Rose?
What quality do all folktales have?
A lesson or moral is included at the end of the story
The fly was embedded in the spider's web.
Firmly set into something else that surrounds it.
How is the Raven (Raven and the Crayfish) different from the Crow (Fox and the Crow)? Explain.
The Raven seems a bit smarter than the Crow as he is not quick to fall for the trickster's flattery and holds on to his food even as he tries to respond.
On page 86 paragraph 11, what sensory words does the author use to describe where Rose lives? Which senses do these words appeal to?
paper bag brown, wide open space = sight
dusty dry = touch
Legends are stories from the past that are believed by many people. They explain how something came to be.
Ms. Raimondi has a pleasant disposition and is always smiling in the halls.
disposition- the way a person tends to act or feel
What is the theme of The Ten Suns (in myBook)? Explain.
Many answers can be accepted with evidence (One your parents, Think of others-not just yourself).
Imagery- the author is creating a picture in the reader's mind. "Hammered sheets of gold" "Windows made of the thinnest panes of amethyst and lapis lazuli"
What is the difference between a fable and a trickster tale?
A fable is a short story that is meant to teach a lesson. A trickster tale can be a type of fable but must include a character that gets tricked.
My mom is thrifty and instead of throwing away old clothes turned them into a bag.
thrifty- save your money and use creative ways to get what you need
What's a lesson you learned from any of the stories in Module 7? Explain your answer with evidence.
Many answers may be accepted.
What example of figurative language do we see on page 114 paragraph 2?