Text Structure
Text Features
Making Predictions
Ideas and Support

to catch fire or explode



Which type of text structure describes when events are told in the order they happened?

sequence/chronological order


The _______________ is like a mini dictionary found in the back of the nonfiction book.



What is making a prediction?

making an educated guess about what will happen next


What is the main idea?

Most people think squirrels are cute, but they can also be pests. Just ask the birds; squirrels like to raid their bird feeders! Squirrels also like to look for holes in your house so they can move right in. Then they tear up insulation in the attic, chew through electrical wires and make a big mess. Do you still think squirrels are cute?

Squirrels are pests.


something made of two or more different things



Scientists have been researching the effects of listening to music during exercise for years. In 2011, researcher Leonard Ayres found that cyclists pedaled faster while listening to music than they did in silence. This may happen because listening to music competes for our brains attention. During exercise, the body will tell the brain that its tired and wants a break. However, when our brain is listening to music, some of those signals are drowned out, which causes us to continue to exercise.

Cause and Effect


A ____________ gives the reader more information about the picture or photograph.



How can we make accurate predictions in a text?

By looking at clues in the text to form inferences about what is happening.

Which detail(s) ssupport the idea that the barn was a good place for Spots to live?

 Spots was a large grey and white cat. Spots lived in a barn on a farm. Spots liked living in the barn. It was warm in the winter and cool in the summer. There were many mice for Spots to chase. Best of all, Spots had a soft place to sleep in the corner of the barn.

Spots lived in a barn on a farm. 

Spots liked living in the barn. 

It was warm in the winter and cool in the summer. 

There were many mice for Spots to chase. 

Best of all, Spots had a soft place to sleep in the corner of the barn.


The pollution in this town is high because of the _______ from all the cars.



Gerbils and hamsters are rodents. Both animals have teeth that never stop growing, store food in their cheeks and are covered in fur. While gerbils are about the size of a mouse, hamsters are typically a bit larger in size. Gerbils have a long and furry tail while hamsters have a short tail. Many people enjoy having gerbils and hamsters as pets, although caring for them is different. Hamsters prefer to live alone in their cage. Gerbils love company and prefer to live with other gerbils.

Compare and Contrast


______________ helps the reader understand the main idea of each section.



Make a prediction: 

Mark wandered into the kitchen to find a snack. He popped open the refrigerator but didn't see anything he wanted. He gave the freezer door a little tug and found himself face to face with a new carton of chocolate ice cream! He knew he wasn't supposed to have ice cream before dinner but he was hungry. He peeked around the door and didn't see his mom, so he grabbed the ice cream and set it on the counter. Just as he was pulling a bowl out of the cupboard, he heard footsteps coming down the hall.

Mark will be caught by his mom and get in trouble.


What is the main idea? 

The gentle elephant is a favorite attraction at the zoo. But elephants are in danger in the wild. Even though its against the law, many people kill elephants so they can sell their ivory tusks. Some elephants are losing their rangelands when farmers grow crops there. Finally, roads and railways can make it difficult for elephants to reach food and water. All of these reasons are endangering elephants and their habitats.

Elephants are endangered.


I built an experiment using levers and pulleys in _______ class.



In school, Melanie realized that she was having trouble reading the words that the teacher wrote on the blackboard. At first she thought that no one could see the teacher´s writing from the back row of desks, but then she realized that all of the other students could see what the teacher wrote. To fix the problem, Melanie asked the teacher is she could move to a desk that was closer to the blackboard. She also asked her mom if she could make an appointment to see the eye doctor and get glasses.

Problem and solution


The ___________ helps the reader find key topics in the nonfiction book they are reading.

table of contents


Make a prediction: 

Max snuggled in the backseat of the car, with his new little puppy. It was love at first sight. When they pulled into the garage, Max scooped Otis up in his arms and plopped him down in the backyard. Max showed Otis his favorite sticks, rock collection, and balls. Otis loved exploring his new yard. As the evening drew to a close, Max´s grandmother called them inside for bed. Max carried Otis into his bedroom but was met by his grandmother who informed him that she had a nice little bed for Otis in the laundry room. Shocked by the news, Max tried to beg a bit, but it was obvious his grandmother had made up her mind. After all the lights were out, a tiny little whimper  drifted down the hall. Max lay and listened for a while but finally couldn't resist. He grabbed his blanket and went into the laundry room with Otis. Just as he started to sing a lullaby to Otis, when his grandmother turned on the light and stared at the boy and pup. She gave them a little smile and shrugged her shoulders.

Max's grandma will let the dog sleep in his room.


Which detail in the passage below supports the idea that the storm was strong? 

The rain began early in the morning. It fell as hard drops, morning. It fell as hard drops, one after another. The sky was full of dark purple clouds. Thunder began as a soft rumble and became louder. Lightning crashed every few minutes, making the sky a brilliant white.

It fell as hard drops, one after another. 

The sky was full of dark purple clouds. Thunder began as a soft rumble and became louder.

Lightning crashed every few minutes, making the sky a brilliant white.


I am slowly but surely making ______ toward my end of the year goal.



At 8:30 p.m., Duncan starts getting ready for bed. First he takes a shower so that he does not need to shower in the morning. When he gets out of the shower, he dries off and puts on his pajamas. Then, he takes out the clothes that he plans to wear to school the next day and lays them over his desk chair. After that, he turns off the main light, turns on his reading lamp, and climbs into bed to read for twenty minutes. Finally, he sets his alarm clock, turns off his light, and closes his eyes.

sequence/chronological order


_____________________ darken writing that helps the reader identify important words.

bold words


Make a prediction: 

“On your mark… Get set… Go!” Ben shot out of the running blocks and was already rounding the first corner. He knew this was only an 800-meter dash, so he was going to have to push hard the whole race. As he rounded the last corner, he only saw two competitors in front of him. He dipped his head down, pumped his arms harder, and sped up his pace to a full sprint. He gained some ground on the two racers in front of him, but they were also giving their last sprint and Ben wasn't quite able to catch them. As he crossed the finish line, he knew he given it his best shot. He tried to shrug off the disappointment as he jogged over to his coach, grabbed his water bottle, and then scanned the track for the winner.

Ben had won the race.


What is the main idea?

Lions are very social, and they live in large groups called prides. Male and female lions have very different roles within a pride. Female lions are responsible for hunting, which they usually do at night. Male lions are in charge of security. They guard their territory and their cubs. Both male and female lions have important jobs within the pride.

Lions each have important roles in groups called prides.
