This type of note-taking involved multiple thought bubbles with your information.
What is a cluster web?
How many ways do we classify waves?
What are 2 ways?
They are electromagnetic and mechanical waves
Colors belong to this smaller spectrum.
What is the visible light spectrum?
Light is classified by this.
What is wavelength?
This wave is not actually a wave, but a format.
What is a standard wave?
This is the summary of a scientific report that tells us everything a report is about.
What is an abstract?
This is the vertical distance between a wave and the equilibrium position.
What is amplitude?
This image is a brain-created image that we see when no light rays pass through the location of the image.
What is a virtual image?
Remember, A real image is an image that is formed when light rays converge to form an image
What country is ALMA located in?
What kind of telescope is ALMA?
ALMA has this many radio antennae.
What is Chile, South America?
What is a radio telescope?
What is 66?
Hubble is what kind of telescope?
What is an optical telescope?
Remember, Telescopes are tools that gather and magnify visible light and record the images
This note-taking style relies on two columns with a summary at the bottom.
What are Cornell Notes?
This is the distance between consecutive crests in a single wave
What is wavelength?
Remember, the wavelength in our wave speed formula is marked with an upside-down y called "lambda" from the Greek alphabet
This is the measurement from the center of a concave mirror to the focal point.
What is the focal length?
Remember, the optical axis is a REFERENCE POINT.
This is a light with multiple wavelengths, travels in multiple directions, without a constant distance between the corresponding crests of the waves.
What is incoherent light?
Remember, Coherent light is light of only one wavelength that travels in one direction with a constant distance between the corresponding crests of the waves
This object does not allow electromagnetic waves to transmit through them.
What is an opaque material?
Creedo, Google Scholar, and EBSCO Host are all examples of this term
What is a database?
Water waves are in what shape?
What is a combination?
They are COMBINING longitudinal and transverse motions. Also, longitudinal waves are compression waves and move WITH the particles of disturbance. Disturbances with transverse waves move vertically at a 90 degree angle to our wave
This mirror creates a wide angle view and curves outward
What is a convex mirror?
Stars have can be this many colors.
What is 7?
listed from hottest to coolest: blue, blue-white, white, yellow-white, yellow, orange, and red. The temperature of stars range from 1,000°C (red) to 30,000°C (blue).
This wave's shape is shown as two transverse waves that travel side-by-side together and are at right angles to each other.
What are electromagnetic waves?
They are setting the force fields in motion at equal rates.
This was the number one habit that the top students did that the average student did not do when studying.
What is taking practice quizzes?
Frequency is measured in this.
What are hertz?
Remember, wave speed is in m/s and wavelength is measured in m
This category on our electromagnetic spectrum possesses the largest wavelength.
What are radio waves?
You will need to know the order based on wavelength (shortest on left). Know what type of wave is larger or smaller than the others. Use the image on Module 8 Review Slide 22.
This is the year that Galileo challenged the Roman Catholic Church and proved that the Sun was the center of the solar system
What is 1609?
If a wave has a longer wavelength, what kind of frequency is the wave?
What is a low-frequency wave?
increasing temperature means that we are increasing energy. Waves with higher energy have higher frequencies. Waves that have higher frequencies will have SHORTER wavelengths