Media Techniques
Making Inferences
Point of View
Literary Elements

What media technique is used in the example describing?

Dr. Renesme Loch, a local marine biologist specializing in freshwater species of the Scottish Highlands in a documentary about aquatic species in Scotland



Make an inference: 

Miss Kromer rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and blinked slowly as she shuffled students' papers on her desk. She glanced at the clock on the wall, noticing the late time, and then back at the huge stack of papers she needed to grade. 

She yawned, and pushed her chair away from her desk. She had made a decision.

Miss Kromer went home and took a nap.


This point of view uses pronouns such as you, your, and yours

2nd Person 


The events that happen after the climax, bring about the resolution (ending) and can actually shape the resolution. They also tie up loose ends and can reveal how the characters process (think and feel about) everything that has happened.

Falling Action


Who is Miss Kromer's celebrity crush?

Zac Efron


What media technique is used in the example described below?

A laugh soundtrack used in a comedy tv show when a character on the show says something funny

Sound elements


Make an inference:

Miss Kromer stared down the student. Her hands were on her hips and she began tapping her foot impatiently. Other students began to whisper and nudge each other to get quiet, but the student she was staring at did not seem to notice. 

The student was not paying attention to Miss Kromer.


This point of view uses pronouns such as I, me, my, mine

1st Person Point of View


The turning point in the story



What is Miss Kromer's favorite drink?

Diet Coke


What media technique is being described in the example below?

A GIF of a dancing Bigfoot


Make an inference:

Miss Kromer stared longingly at the silver can with red writing on the side. She could see the little droplets of condensation dripping down the sides, so she knew it would be ice cold and so refreshing. It had been hours since she'd had a drink to sip on, and it was so scorching hot outside. She thought about how nice it would be to have a Diet Coke of her own.

Ms. Kromer was thirsty and wanted that Diet Coke. 


This point of view uses pronouns such as he, him, she, her, they. A narrator tells the story through the eyes of just one character

3rd Person Limited POV


The events and actions that happen in a story



What is Ms. Bowlin's astrology sign?



What media technique is being described below?

A line graph showing the number of increasing Bigfoot sightings from 1990 to 2022

Visual Elements


Make an inference:

Mrs. Bowlin raised an eyebrow as the student tried to explain why he acted like a fool at the zoo. The student could feel himself stammering over his words as he tried to explain that he didn't mean to let all the parakeets leave the enclosure, that it was just an accident. Mrs. Bowlin pulled out a yellow paper from her bag and a pen and slowly started writing. 

The student got written up for acting like a fool at the zoo.


This point of view uses pronouns he, him, she, her, they. The narrator tells the story through the eyes of 2 or more characters. 

3rd Person Omnicient


The time and place in which the story takes place



What is Miss Kromer's cat's name?



What media technique is being used in the example below?

A documentary that covers two guys on their journey to discover if Bigfoot is real, including their real-time adventures in the woods of Appalachia 

Live Action


Make an inference: 

Mrs. Bowlin covered her ears with her hands as much as she could, but the sounds of Taylor Swift's music were still blasting through the wall. Miss Kromer was her friend, but even Mrs. Bowlin had a breaking point. She was going to have to say something. 

Mrs. Bowlin hates Taylor Swift music/thinks Miss Kromer is playing the music too loud. 


What POV is used in the text below?

I walked down the stairs to the basement slowly, each step creaking loudly. There was no light switch, so I couldn't see what was at the bottom.
I heard the door creak behind me, so I turned around to go back up, but the door swung shut in my face. I was alone in the dark.

1st Person POV


The final outcome of a story is called the



What is Mrs. Bowlin's favorite movie?

