What was Gothic architecture?
Huge ceilings and stained classed windows.
Which English King led the Third Crusade?
Richard the Lion-Hearted
What was the Hundred Years’ War?
A war for the French Throne launched by Edward III
What did the word university originally refer to?
A group of scholars meeting wherever they could
What was common law?
Rulings of England’s royal judges that formed a unified body of law
What was a Crusade?
Holy war
Who defeated Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings in 1066?
William the Conqueror
What country introduced the long bow in battle?
However, it wasn't as awesome as Mrs. Lockard's Christmas decorations.
What was the vernacular?
The everyday language of a country
What is a parliament?
Legislative group
An organization of individuals in the same business or occupation working to improve the economic and social contributions of its members was called what?
A guild
Who introduced the use of the jury trial in English courts?
Henry II
What was the Estates-General?
The political meeting of the three estates or social classes in France
How did Henry II add to the land in his kingdom?
By marrying Eleanor of Aquitaine
What were some drawbacks to living in a city in the Middle Ages?
No sewers, poor hygiene, fire hazards
The expansion of trade and business was called what?
The Commercial Revolution
What Guaranteed basic political rights, king not above the law? Who was forced to sign it?
The Magna Carta and King John
What was the Great Schism?
A split in the early Catholic church were there were to popes. One in Rome and one in Avignon
What was the Great Famine?
Abnormally severe winters and torrential rains from 1315 – 1317 ruin the crops and the food supply leading to mass starvation
Who were burghers?
Merchant-class town dwellers
The pope’s group of advisors was called the what?
The Papal Curia
What Capet king took Normandy from Henry II of England?
Philip II
An alliance of Italian merchants and the pope who were against Fredrick I was called what?
Lombard League
Who was Joan of Arc?
Teenage French Peasant girl who helped Charles VII win his throne. Was burned at the stake by the English for claiming to hear the voices of the saints.
Why did the Pope make Otto I emperor?
He invaded Italy on the Pope’s behalf