Writing and Evaluating Expressions and Formulas
Solving Equations
Applications of Equations
Applications of Equations 2
Graphs and Number Lines

Gregg has two more dollars than his brother Jeff. Write an expression for the amount of money Gregg has.

Let represent Jeff's money in dollars.

+ 2


Determine if the following number sentence is true or false.

18 ≤ 32 - b ; Substitute 14 for b

When 14 is substituted for b, the number sentence is true.


Use an equation to determine the missing angle, labeled in the diagram shown by your teacher.

x + 57 = 90

+ 57 - 57 = 90 - 57

= 33

The measure of the unknown angle is 33 degrees.


Write an inequality statement for the following situation. Let X represent weight.

At the new festival, the rides have a weight limit. The maximum weight allowed is 2,000 pounds. 

0 ≤ X ≤ 2,000


When labeling a graph, on which axis does the independent variable fall?

The independent variable is on the x-axis. 


Jenna and Allie work together at a piano factory. They were both hired on January 3, but Jenna was hired in 2005, and Allie was hired in 2009. 

If both workers continue working at the piano factory, when Allie has years of experience on the job, how many years of experience will Jenna have on the job? 

Write your answer as an equation.

+ 4


Which inequality signs would be accurate for the following number number sentence?

15 + 9 ___ 24





A beam of light is reflected off a mirror. You will be shown a diagram of the reflected beam. Determine the missing angle measure.

55 + x + 55 = 180

110 + x = 180

110 - 110 + x = 180 -110

x = 70

The missing angle measure is 70 degrees.


At the festival, no more than 6 people can go on the Merry-Go-Round at one time. Please draw a number line with all possible solutions for how people can be on the Merry-Go-Round at one time.

Answer is displayed by your teacher.


When labeling a graph, on which axis does the dependent variable fall?

The dependent variable falls on the y-axis. 


The fare for a local bus ride is $2.50. 

Create an expression when "R" represents the number of rides.

Number of Rides          Cost of Rides in Dollars

1                                      2.50

2                                      5.00

3                                      7.50

30                                    75

R                                     ????????????????

2.50R or 2.5R


Find the solution to the following equation:

8= h

h = 64


Determine the independent and dependent variables. It may be helpful to create an equation.

Priya streams movies through a company that charges her a $5.00 monthly fee plus $1.50 per movie.

Independent variable: number of movies watched per month

Dependent variable: total cost per month


Write the inequality statement for the following situation. Let "X" represent the number of people. 

Alejandro is planning his wedding. The reception hall he wants to book says there must be at least 100 people, but no more than 300.

100 ≤ X ≤ 300


On a number line, would I shade in the circle for the following inequality signs? ≤ and ≥

Yes, you would shade in the circles to show that value is included.


Create the expression when "T" represents text messages.

Krystal Klear Cell Phone Company charges $5.00 per month for service. The company also charges $0.10 for each text message sent.

5 + .10(T)


Solve the following equation for P.

K is 5. 

.25K + 20 = P

P = 21.25


Create an equation. 

A taxicab service charges a flat fee of $8.00 plus an additional $1.50 per mile. Show the relationship between the total cost (c) and the number of miles driven (m).

c = 1.50m + 8


Using the following equations, which movie streaming program would be the better buy if you plan on streaming 10 movies? Let "m" be amount of movies and "c" be total cost. 

Stream System: c = 10 + .50m

Movie Madness: c = 13 + .25m

Stream system is the better option if you are streaming 10 movies.

Stream System: c = 10 + .50(10)

                         c = 15

Movie Madness: c = 13 + .25(10)

                        c = 15.50


On a number line, would I shade in the circle for the following inequality signs?  < and >

No, you would not shade in the circle. You would leave it open.


Write the expression for the situation described below. Let "W" represent the week number.

Patrice is saving her money to buy a new laptop, which costs $1,000. She already has 500 dollars. If she earns $100 dollars per week, how many weeks will it take for her to earn $1,000.

500 + 100w


Alyssa is twice as old as Brittany, and Jazmyn is 15 years older than Alyssa. If Jazmyn is 35 years old, how old is Brittany?

Let represent Alyssa's age in years and represent Brittany's age in years.

Brittany is 10 years old.


When creating a graph, what are the five essential components?

Title, y-axis, x-axis, scaling of the x-axis and scaling of the y-axis


Using the following equations, which movie streaming program would be the better buy if you plan on streaming 50 movies? Let "m" be amount of movies and "c" be total cost. 

Stream System: c = 10 + .50m

Movie Madness: c = 13 + .25m

Movie Madness has the better deal if you watch 50 movies. 

Stream system 10 + .50(50) = 35.00

Movie madness 13 + .25(50) = 25.50
