
The book Carson wrote and what it was about

Silent Spring about how the chemical DDT is damaging to birds


In the Endangered Species Act, a landowner can claim ignorance if they perform an action that inadvertently does damage to a protected species it is called what?

No Surprise Clause


This convention focused on protection of a specific biome. What was the biome and what was the name of the convention?

Ramsar Convention and wetlands


What was the ESA and what year was it passed under?

What did it do?

Endangered Species Act 1973

Protected Endangered Species


Give an example of each and describe why each is in it's own catergory:

Renewable Resource, Renewable with strings attached, Non Renewable 

Renewable: Sunlight, wind, air, geothermal 

Strings: Can potentially be lost if not treated sustainably (fresh water, forest trees, crops, soil, livestock)

Non: Takes millions of years to reform ( Oil, coal, natural gas, metals, and minerals)


Who created the Sierra Club and what term did he believe in and what was it.

John Muir, He believed in Biocentric Preservation 

Humans should let nature take it's course and leave it alone.


Landowner agrees to the ESA to effectively maintain suitable habitat for predetermined number of individuals in return for incidental take permits

Safe Harbor 


This Convention banned CFCs

What was CFCs and what was the Convention?

Chlorine, Fluorine, Carbon

Montreal Protocol 


If a species is listed and protected under the Endangered Species Act, the government will establish this for that species, which then must be protected and preserved? What is it?

Critical Habitat


What is it called when resources are needed by all, but productivity is not met equally and the yield is low. 

Tragedy of the Commons


Who was head of the forest department and what term did he believe in and what was it.

Pinchot, Utilitarian Conservation which was extracting resources from nature in a sustainable way.


What were the Problems with NEPA?

Assumed ecosystem mgmt. Approach before it existed 

Preparation of EIS is solely responsibility of agency public can give input however final EIS remains an agency product. if public is dissatisfied citizens have little choice but to litigate


This Convention said NO to this history of corrupt dealing and the developed world taking there hazardous wastes and giving it to the developing worlds to harbor there toxic waste for money

Basel Convention 


Congress allowed the ESA to create this which has the power to overturn protective provisions established for a species that is listed under the Endangered Species Act.

What is it and what incident was it established after?

Tellico Dam incident

The God Squad


In 2015, The United Nations Environment Program published these Goals; which are aimed at reducing poverty, protecting biodiversity, and promoting peace between participating nations. What were they called?

Sustainable Development Goals


1)What did Leopold write and what specific term did he believe in and what was it?

2)Who came up with tragedy of the commons and believed what?

1)Sand County Alamac (called for utilizing land in sustainable way), States that people are an intimate part of the land and one of the species that makes a biodiverse planet. It also states that it is our responsibility to take care of the land.

2) Hardin: humans all share limited resources where individuals benefit themselves 


What does NEPA stand for and what year was it passed?

What are the steps?

National environmental policy act (1970)


  1. Gov performs an action/ project on private land may be damaging to natural environment question of Categorical exclusion compare to project done in the past ( stops at 1st step)

  2. Gov required to conduct an environmental Assessment (EA) detailed statement of action can lead to 2 conclusions                                            

Conclusion 1. Finding of no significant impact (FONSI)

Conclusion 2. A more detailed study is needed - proceed to step 3

       3. Gov required to further study their actions and formulate an Environmental impact statement; public can provide input (EIS); can lead to 2 conclusions:

Conclusion 1 : Government slightly alters project and proceeds

Conclusion 2: Significant environmental damage will be done - project cannot proceed in its current state


This Convention set environmental ethics for global community

Principle 21 of the stockholm declaration


Name 3 Characteristics of effective environmental laws

  • Grounded in perceivable polices: a clear statement of intentions and rules outlined acceptable behaviors and accomplish some end (purpose in laws)

  • Include inspiration or radical message; Inspiration for public support

  • Potential for growth in influence (adaptive science situation is changing)(laws have to be adaptive)

  • Ability to attract and hold interest of scientists (  need to collect tangible data of effectiveness of laws) (Protocols in place to study things)

  • Requirement for monitoring (scientific method)

  • Cost - benefits analysis (important for public economists, politicians -policy makers) See benefit of laws outweigh cost of laws)


Nets that protected Sea Turtles and was under the International Conservation Law of the seas. What were the nets called?



1) Which president expanded the national public parks and land.

2)Which President was NEPA under

3)What did Elrich Write and what was it about?

1) Theodore Rosevelt

2) Nixon

3) Population Bomb: warning that population was expanding at a rate that is unsustainable resources and food


1)What 4 things did the wilderness preservation system use to describe the wilderness?

2)What 4 agencies were created from the Wilderness Preservation System?

Bonus (does not cost points): Whose legacy did the Wilderness Preservation System come from?

1) Can’t go into lands and alter lands (primarily by forces of nature)

Permits and Camping not glamping hunting/fishing is usually restricted(provide solitude and primitive recreation)

Large enough to allow use while maintaining natural conditions (no tiny parts of land what’s the point bc no wildlife will be there)
Contain features of ecological, educational, scenic, scientific, or historical value

2)USFS ( united states forest service) ex: permits for cutting trees

NPS (National Park service) ex: Yellowstone, shenandoah, Rocky mountain national park

USFWS (United states fish and wildlife service) ex: permits for fishing hunting and camping

BLM (bureau of land management) ex: farmers, ranch lands, reclamation projects( converting damaged lands for human recreation ex: garbage dumps )

Bonus: Muir


According to this Convention participating countries can criminally prosecute individuals who engage in the trade and commerce of endangered species (or goods that are derived from these species)

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES – 1973)


1)Name 2 Characteristics of effective environmental international policies/ laws

2) What is superfund and how did it change to help out the community? 

Bonus (does not cost points): Under what administration was superfund originally under and what administration reauthorized it?

1)Equitability ( be treated in fair manner) (like harsher on U.S but less harsh on developing worlds) 

Small number of participants involved (gets more thing accomplished with only a bit of countries like countries surrounding a river that they are trying to protect rather than bringing in a rando country)

Clear support of a “leader” country (paris climate accords the lead would be paris and make sure they are publishing reports collecting data if not no one will follow)

2) Superfund act preserves human health and Identifies and lists hazardous sites.

  1. Increased Funding for superfund

  2. Increases Liability for polluters and put money into superfund if environment is super damaged

  3. Focuses on remediation and public “right to know” whether or not living in toxic area

Bonus: Bush to Clinton Administration



1)What does the H,I,P,P,O stand for in HIPPO. Describe what they mean or give an example for each.

2)What number of mass extinction event are we on and is called a what type of science because of this and why?

3)Environmental Science is considered a what field of study?

H- Habitat Destruction (The tall grass is gone the prairie is gone)

I- Invasive Species (species moved purposefully or accidentally) 

P- Population ( High population rates cause more poverty or disease) 

P- Pollution ( any pollution example)

O - Overharvesting ( People taking more than needed so scarcity of resources) (ex. Mediterranean Sea being overfished and people not having enough fish.) 

2) 6th and called a crisis science because of the decline of biodiversity

3) interdisciplinary / multidisciplinary
