What is the main goal of hospice care?
To provide comfort and dignity at the end of life.
What is mottling, and what does it indicate?
Bluish skin discoloration, sign of decreased circulation before death.
What is the 5th vital sign?
What is acute pain?
Short term pain, lasting up to six months, often due to injury or illness.
What is one non-medication pain relief method CNAs can provide?
Massage, repositioning, soothing music, deep breathing, and more.
What does DNR stand for?
Do Not Resuscitate
What breathing pattern is common near death?
Cheyne-Stokes respirations -- shallow breaths followed by pauses.
True or False: Pain is subjective and should always be believed.
True: Pain is whatever the resident says it is.
What is chronic pain?
Pain lasting longer than six months, often difficult to treat.
Name two verbal ways to help a resident in pain.
Supportive listening, conversation, guided imagery
What are the five stages of grief?
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance
What is the "death rattle"?
Noisy breathing caused by fluid buildup in the throat.
Name two reasons why residents might underreport pain.
Fear of being a burden, fear of addiction, cultural beliefs.
Give two examples of common causes of geriatric pain.
Arthritis, neuropathy, pressure ulcers, osteoporosis, and more.
What are two physical signs of pain in a nonverbal resident?
Grimacing, moaning, tense muscles, restlessness
True or False: All cultures handle death and dying in the same way.
False: Cultural traditions vary
What are two common emotional signs that death is near?
Withdrawal, decreased interest in surroundings, saying goodbye.
What percentage of nursing home residents experience pain?
Up to 83%
What type of pain comes from nerve damage?
Neuropathic pain
Name two environmental adjustments that can help with pain.
Soft lighting, reduced noise, comfortable room temperature
What law gives people the right to accept or refuse medical treatment, including life-saving measures?
The Patient-Self Determination Act
Why is hearing considered the last sense to go before death?
Residents may still hear even if they appear unresponsive.
What consequences can a nursing home face for not managing pain properly?
They may be cited for deficiencies by surveyors.
Why might chronic pain be mistaken for depression in older adults?
Chronic pain can cause fatigue, withdrawal, and a slowed body response.
Why is it important for CNAs to document and report signs of pain?
To ensure proper pain management and avoid neglect.