The 5' end of DNA is designated by what?
What is a free phosphate group?
Scientist who took an X-ray photograph of DNA named Photo 51
Who is Rosalind Franklin?
A eukaryotes DNA is found in this Organelle
What is a nucleus?
Enzyme responsible for breaking the hydrogen bonds found between complementary bases
What is helicase?
DNA has this charge
What is negative?
Describes the shape of DNA
What is double helix?
Scientist who discovered that base pairs are in a 1:1 ratio
Who is Erwin Chargaff?
DNA carries the ____________ information/material for the development and functioning of an organism.
What is genetic ?
This enzymes connects the Okazaki Fragments together
What is ligase?
Gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments based on which two properties?
What is size and charge?
If a strand of DNA reads ACGT, this is the complementary strand?
What is TGCA?
These two scientists built the first model of DNA
Who are Francis Crick and James Watson?
The two strands of DNA run in opposite directions from one another
What is antiparallel?
Means that each strand from the parent molecule is used as a template for ordering nucleotides in a new, complementary strand.
What is semi-conservative replication?
These enzymes cut DNA fragments at specific base pair sequences
What are restriction enzymes?
A nucleotide has three components
What is a nitrogen base, phosphate, and sugar?
The structure of DNA was discovered in this decade
1950s (1952/3)
The lagging strand is synthesized in fragments. These fragments are called
What are Okazaki Fragments.
DNA replication results in leading (continuous) and lagging (fragmented) strands. Identify two reasons to explain this
DNA is antiparallel and DNA polymerase can only synthesize a new strand of DNA In the 5' to 3' direction.
Which suspect committed the crime?
Who is Suspect 3?
The bond that holds the two strands of DNA together, found in between complementary bases
What are hydrogen bonds?
Photo 51 proved what about DNA
That is has a helical structure
Why is the leading strand synthesized continuously?
DNA polymerase adds nucleotides in the 5'-3' direction and will add nucleotides following the replication fork, allowing it to be made continuously.
Explain how complementary base pairing creates precise copies of the genetic code
Adenine will always pair with Thymine and Guanine pairs with Cytosine. By using the parent strand as a template, complementary base pairing ensures that the daughter strand will be identical to the other, older parent strand.
Explain how a restriction enzyme can be used to cut a segment of DNA from two different people into different lengths.
If two individuals have differences in their DNA sequences at particular restriction sites, then the restriction enzymes will cut their DNA into fragments of different lengths.