Gastropods are?
Largest group of mollusks
Bivalves have
2 shells held together by hinges and strong muscles. The mantle creates the shell.
Invertebrates with?
soft body
move back and forth in the water to get oxygen.
Only mollusk group with a?
closed circulatory system
Gastropods move how?
They move by creeping along with their
Bivalves Found in?
watery environments.
Has what symmetry
Bilateral Symmetry
Has what symmetry
Bilateral symmetry
They grab their prey with?
Gastropods include?
snails and slugs
They do NOT have?
organ that crawls, digs, or catches food
Digestive system have
2 openings
Nautiluses have an?
external shell
Gastropods May have a?
single external shell OR no shell
How do they feed on things?
They filter feed by using a mucus that covers their gills
thin layer of tissue that covers internal organs and grows the shell
live in water have gills. The gills have cilia
Most mollusks
Cephalopods are?
carnivorous mollusks that live in the ocean
Gastropods have a ribbon full of tiny teeth to tear through plants and animals called?
The cilia on the gills move the food into the bivalve's?
Usually covered by a?
blood is not always inside blood vessels. Heart pumps blood into spaces where organs are held. The blood sloshes over the organs and returns to the heart.
Open circulatory system
Squids and cuttlefish have a small shell inside of their body. Octopi have?
no shells