who finished first in Liam's league?
Quintie West Hawks
What is Liam's favorite cracker
Which show does Liam watch every night
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
What is Liam's favorite game to play at hotels with the team
Mini sticks
What are Owen's 2 collage hoodies. have to name both
Arizona State and Penn State
Which team did Liam score his hat-trick against and who was away that game
Bellville Bulls and Kellen
What does Liam eat the most of at nights
Who is Liam's favorite NFL team
Minnesota Vikings
Who is Liam's favorite teammate on hockey and baseball
What is Owen's favorite restaurant
Frosty Johns
Who did we play in the semi finals and finals of the Josh Bailey
Oshawa and Markham
What is Liam's favorite drink
Which is Liam's favorite pizza place
What number is Finn Mclean
Who came first in Owen's league
What was the final score against Kingston at Rickard A.
hint we won
What is Liam's favorite restaurant
Boston Pizza
Who are Liam's favorite NBA players
2 answers only have to name one
Edwards and Barnes
What is Colton Chocran's Number
What sport does Owen have a teammate named Carson in
Which team does Liam hate the most
What is Liam's favorite animal
What is Liam's favorite actual school subject
Name the 2 peoples houses Liam swims at the most
Ivy and Judah
What is Owens favorite drink Specific Brand name
Nestea/ Icetea