Love At First Sight?
Meet the Parents
Working Hard or Hardly Working?
You May Kiss the Bride

This is where Mom and Tete met.

a) the pool b) school c) work d) at Tete's basketball game

The pool


This is how both Mom and Tete described their parents relationship with each other.

a) both parents were busy and didn't talk or hang out much b) they got along great and became friends c) they hung out a few times but that's about it  d) they didn't get along

They got along great and became friends


This was one of Tete's first jobs. You could say he was looking for his Cinderella?

a) a tailor for wedding dresses b) a women's shoe salesman c) a hairdresser

women's shoe salesman


This is the year Mom and Tete got married.



This is what Uncle Vyts did when he got so mad that Tete was gone all the time with Mom. 

a) punched a hole in the wall b) threw a dart at Tete's neck c) broke a plate over his knee d) kicked the TV and broke it

punched a hole in the wall!


This is how Tete got back in touch with Mom after the first time they met 

a) called her b) drove to the area where her and her friends would hang out c) wrote her a letter d) showed up at her house unannounced

Wrote her a letter


This is the reason Baba was upset at the boyfriend's Mom was choosing before she met Tete

a) they weren't very nice  b) they didn't have jobs  c) they had long hair  d) they weren't Lithuanian

They weren't Lithuanian


This is the school that Mom worked at in Naperville. Fun fact, Dana also worked here.

a) Benet  b) Madison  c) Naperville Central  d) Neuqua



This was Tete's best man.

a) Uncle Vyts b) Uncle Al c) Gint  d) Vladas

Uncle Vyts!


This is the car that Mom drove during high school and used to pick up Tete with.

a) a blue Buick sedan family car  b) a white Toyota Corolla c) a sporty Red Mercury Cougar d) a brown minivan

sporty red Mercury Cougar


This is how Mom got back in touch with Tete after the first time they met 

a) called him b) drove to the area where him and his friends would hang out c) wrote him a letter d) showed up at his house unannounced

Drove to the area where him and his friends would hang out


This is the family that Kitapa was very close with and, as a result, Baba also became close with after Mom and Tete got married. 

The Gecas family


This is the type of job that Tete had in college, working for both his Dad and Mom's Dad in this same "field."



This was Mom's maid of honor. 



This is the person who saved Kitapa's life. 

Mr. Gecas


Tete was dating a girl when he met Mom. This is what he did to end their relationship.

a) called her and dumped her  b) wrote her a letter to dump her c) continued to date her while feeling things out with Mom d) ghosted her 

Ghosted her!


These are the careers each parent had. Need all 4 for credit.

engineer, stay-at-home Mom, bank teller, and carpenter


This was the field of study Mom was originally in school for. Fun fact, one of her son's careers is in a similar field.

med tech


This is where Mom and Tete got married.

St. Anthony's church


This is an activity Mom and Tete shared in common. They loved doing it together right from the early years.



This is the friend Mom was with when they first met. This is the friend Tete was with when they first met. (250 points per friend).

Gint and Rita


This is the job/hobby Tete was doing with Mom's Dad that caused him to say, "Ray, put your gloves on. You'll get your nails dirty. It doesn't look good."

working on the car/changing the oil


This is the career Tete originally wanted. Once he found out the requirements were too strict and difficult, he ventured down the Chiropractic path.



They both remembered the wedding as being fun with a live band and lots of booze. But this is a "condition" (or lack of condition) Tete and Uncle Al very clearly remembered about the wedding venue. 

no air conditioning OR very hot


"They" were incredibly protective of Mom, especially when Tete came around to visit Mom. Tete had to be careful...

Mom's dog, Mitch
